Chapter 2

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-Luna's P.O.V.-


I wake up to my annoying alarm that goes off every day at 7 so I can get up for the hell hole called school. I roll out of bed when I heard Taylor and Leah walk In my room.

“Good morning little Luna! Time to get up!” Leah says and starts jumping on my bed.

“Yeah just another day In this living hell.” I said dryly.

“come on you know that life Isn't that bad.” Taylor said and smiled.

“You don't know the half of It.” I said and took my hair out of the bun and brushed It.

“Here." Leah said and handed me bright ass clothes.

 “Ummmm... No." I said and went to my closet and grabbed a pair of black jeans and a Sleeping with Sirens shirt. I comb my hair and brush my teeth and change.

 “give me your arms." Leah demanded. Shit they saw the new ones. I didn’t have time to say anything before she grabbed my hands and turned them over.

 “Why?" she asked and released them.

 “Same reason as always.” I reply and look down. I know what my first two are gonna be for tonight.

 "You need to stop you know that It Isn't worth It and that we love you. " she said and pulled me Into a hug.

"Hey I have good news though!" I said trying to switch the subject.

 “what?" they both ask.

 "I got us Pax tickets!" I say and they look shocked.

"OMG WERE GET TO MEET THE MINE CRACK AND TEAM CRAFTED GUYS!!!!!!” They yell hug me. We all love team crafted and the mine crack guys but I love the cube guys they are my favorite.

“Let’s get to class then we can all freak out over this later.” Taylor said and we agreed.

- after school -

We were all back at Leah's and Taylor's place.

“Ok so who doesn't know?" Taylor asked.

 “Just Jake." I said and look at him.

“What do I not know?” He asked and looked at us.

“Oh nothing just that we are going to Pax that's all.” I said with excitement. God I haven't felt like this in ages, but it will go back to the shItty depressing phase, it always does. We talk for about an hour until it got boring and they wouldn't shut up about Pax so I resulted to music. I play my favorite play list that has Sleeping with Sirens, Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boys, All Time Low, and Linkin park and put it on shuffle. Even though the music doesn't help with the voices and demons In my head It at least tunes out the outside world. Music used to be my escape but I guess every escape has to have an end, but a new on always opens; it just may take you longer to find it then others. I shut my eyes and lean back letting the music take over but there is the voice that I have tried so hard to get rid of but it never works.

 “Just kill yourself already your worthless!” It said I Ignored It.

“You know that they are only here out of pity.” I try to Ignore It but that one sort of got to me.

“Just end it even your parents’ say that you are a mistake they never wanted you!” It said and it got louder.

“You’re lying that not true, none of It Is.” I say back to It making sure not out loud.

 “Your only lying to yourself there sweet heart. Just end it before it gets too late." I said now I don’t hear anything but the voice.

“I’ll send you back there the only reason you got out was because of me and I can put you right back In there.” It said evilly. It is referring to a mental hospital, the doctor sent me there after my last mental break down, and they think it helps but it only makes us crazier I'm lucky that I got out.

 "No, no, no, no I don't want to go back that place is worse than jail!" I screamed then I felt my head phones being taken off of my head.

“What is wrong with you?" Leah asked. I just break down crying I’m crazy maybe I should just go to the loony bin.

“shhhh...... shhhh calm down your gonna be ok, everything will be ok." Noah coned in my ear and sat me in his lap. I just sit there and let It all out everything all the feelings, thoughts, everything that I have had bottled up Is out they know.

“Everything gonna be ok, we will help you through this." Taylor said and sat down next to me and Noah.

 “Don’t you get that I'm a lost hope? Maybe I should just go kill myself!" I half yelled at them and got up.

“No you’re not you can still get help!" Jake said and tried to walk towards me but I stepped back.

“I’m just a lost hope I don't know why you guys are still here for me!" I half yell again. I really don't know what has gotten Into me but I don't like It, these are the only people who care about me and I'm yelling at them.

 “Because we want to help you..........” Leah said but then shut up realizing what she said.

“SO I'M JUST SOME CHARITY CASE TO YOU!" I yell at them this time and Noah walks up to me and try's to grabs me but I won’t let him.

“No I can’t believe that I trusted you people. I guess I am just a charity case to everyone. Oh feel bad for her have pity on her. I don't need anyone to feel sorry for me I just want to get off of this cruel planet there is no need for a screw up like me on it!” I said while hot tears roll down my face.

 “Luna I didn’t mean....." Leah tried to say but I cut her off.

“Just don't, I'm done with you people you can get on with your happy Luna free lives.” I said and stormed out of the apartment. I walk down the empty street not knowing what to do where to go, but as long as I get as far away from them I'll be fine. I see light coming from down the road and I know what I have to do. My legs are moving faster than my mind and I run out In the middle of the road.

- Authors note -

Cliffhanger! What is gonna happen? I hope you all enjoyed chapter 2 of No hope? Leave a comment of what you think is gonna happen. Don't forget to vote and I will see you all tomorrow BEYYYYY!!!!


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P.S. I and Nikkiegirl are buy in Heelys and Im super excited were gunna be bad ass next year! And if you dont know who Nikkigirl is  she is one of my best friends/editor so go check her out she also writes! So yeah BEYYYY!

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