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Matthew 16:24King James Version (KJV)
24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

Philippians 3:10King James Version (KJV)

10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

1 Peter 4:13King James Version (KJV)

13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

It is a command, if you desire to follow Jesus, to pick up and carry your cross. Let's talk about that for a moment. Although Jesus was(still is!) Gods Son, and at that was even perfect as He walked this earth, He too had to carry a cross. His cross was the weight of the worlds(that means you and I) sins. It was His duty from the Father. Thank God, that His glorious Son always does His will/duties. If you're saved, then everyday you wake up God has given you a cross to carry as well. Remember, a servant is NO greater than His master. If Jesus suffered, we too shall battle and be partakers of His sufferings.


Because we have been made holy, are are living in an unholy world ruled by satan. Spiritually- opposites do NOT attract, But are indeed opposed and are enemies one toward another. If you suffer as a Christian, count it JOY. Because once saved, you take on Christ's identity, And shall also suffer as He suffered.


When Jesus was getting whipped and beatin and mocked ect, it was like unto a symbol. That symbol/reality being He took OUR punishment. He took OUR wounds and OUR stripes on the outside. So that we could overcome what goes on on the INSIDE of us or all around us. Never be ashamed for becoming weak. Do you not think that Jesus too was weak? He was beatin down, starving, thirsty. He too was weak. So weak physically that He couldn't carry His cross alone anymore. He had to have somebody help Him carry it. Be blessed- we too have help in Him and our Christian family to help us carry our crosses when it begins to overpower us. We carry a cross for a reason. Sometimes a reason only God knows unless His Holy Ghost reveals it to you.


The bigger the cross the more you resemble His precious Son and our Lord Jesus Christ. Though NO cross will ever be as big or as hard to carry as the one Jesus endured.


It symbolizes VICTORY on the other side. The only, and I mean only thing standing between you and hell is the cross. Jesus conquered all on the cross. Once saved we too are given a cross to conquer all. The cross represents battle, a battle for what and who we love. Enduring that very cross leads to victory. We are crucified with Christ(Galatians 2:20). We partake in His sufferings.


Because Christ suffered, and He was perfect, and a servant is NO greater than His master, then it only makes sense that we too will suffer for His names sake. But be blessed, the only reason you suffer for being a Christian is because you have taken on His identity, And are now righteous. Not by your own merits or works, But by Him and through Him alone. Therefore, evil(which rules this world) is in opposition to you. Since evil hates good, then it will torment you. But again- be blessed. For this is part of taking up your cross, and following Christ.

Death to victory:

Whenever we see a cross, we often symbolize it with death, but we forget what's beyond the cross, that being eternal victory. You see, Jesus did hang on the Cross, but He is still not hanging on that Cross! Therefore, we ought to associate the Cross of Christ with eternal victory. We ought to associate our crosses with eternal victory. As we die to sin, and live with Christ. Hallelujah!

Crucified to live:

We are crucified with Christ. We are also partakers of His sufferings. To a true believer, what's beyond death is life, eternal life! Though we certainly have eternal life the moment we believe (John 3:36), we really begin to experience and have this life manifested to us when we overcome our adversities. I have noticed in my personal walk, that it's right whenever we die so to say, that that's when we live!

Whether that's mortifying the deeds/sins of the body, or simply finding that escape way Jesus has paved for us, thus overcoming battles. We find life and life manifested. It's true, God has given us a cross to bear as well. We must suffer with Christ so that we may live with Him also.

Nailing our inequities & unrighteousness to the Cross:

The Holy Bible tells us in the book of Romans to mortify the deeds of the body. Whenever Jesus offered Himself as a living sacrifice, He also overcame all sin, and everything that is a product of sin! We too ought to die with Christ to sin. We too ought to overcome all inequity & unrighteousness. Ever having the Cross of Christ as our object of faith. Faith in Christ (that is faith in Who He is & His finished work on the Cross) guarantees eternal victory over whatever it is that concerns or haunts you. Truly, we should all as believers pick up & carry the crosses God hath given unto us to bear and endure.

Enduring the Cross:

Jesus endured. Thank God that He did! He did not quit or forfeit His mission. No matter how hard, or how rough it got for Him, He stayed true to Gods will, and His mission. It does seem & even sound kind of strange doesn't it? That the perfect GOD of all and everything would send His only begotten Son, Jesus, to be crucified, crucified for the sins and inequities of unjust people, but He did! And look at that beautiful, glorious outcome!!! We too should never forfeit what we live for, and better yet- WHO we live for. There is a wonderful purpose for bearing the Cross God gave you to bear! If you endure it, and complete Gods will in your life, then just imagine the beautiful and glorious outcome it shall produce.

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