Chapter 9 LIFE

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John 3:16King James Version (KJV)

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


When I speak of 'life' I am speaking of eternal life. Eternal life that can only be given unto you by Jesus. Physical life itself is a gift from God, but eternal, spiritual life is a gift unspeakable, as it is so glorious! We spend all our physical lives (before salvation anyways) seeking. Seeking a true spiritual fill that'll satisfy the void in our hearts. This spiritual satisfaction is true love, true peace, & true joy. As stated in the Second Chapter of Salvation, we all have desired good things in our lives, and have sought them in everything and everyone, except for the only One Whom can fulfill this spiritual desire- GOD.

Whenever we come to Christ Jesus for salvation, and are saved, we have eternal/everlasting life immediately. This life is not something we get in the future, but rather is a present & current, eternal possession(John 3:36).


Did you know that everlasting life means just as it's worded? It is for-ever-lasting. It literally means that this life given unto us from God alone in Christ, endures for ever! That'll make someone shout praises!!! Knowing that no matter what happens to us on this side of time, we have eternal, everlasting life. A life that never ends.

It literally means what it says. It's an ever-lasting life. A for ever enduring life. Meaning nothing, nor anyone can terminate it. Aren't you blessed, child of God, to have this wonderful life? I know I sure am!

To have life of any kind, be that physical or spiritual, is to have something keeping you alive. For your physical life, it is your heartbeat. For your spiritual life, it is the Holy Ghost Who is your spiritual heartbeat. Did you know that the holy Trinity is one? Meaning they're all on the same accord. If God the Father, and God the Son isn't leaving you, then best bet you cannot lose God the Holy Ghost either. He is the One Who keepeth thee alive.

GREATER is He that is within you, than he that is within the world(See 1 John). Nothing, no not even Satan himself can conquer the Source of your life- Jesus. No power of man, nor scheme of Satan can eliminate your everlasting life. Face it, you, Saint of God, are alive for ever spiritually. For death has no more power over you.

Look deep within your soul with your spiritual eyes, and you'll find this life. I believe we all as Christians tend to bury this good life deep within us, but nonetheless, it still remains in us.


Jesus. He alone gives this good, eternal, everlasting life. How did He do this? Think of it as a 'swap'. It's been said that God alone without the work of the Cross could save no man. Now, I know what you're thinking, God is God! He can do anything! Yes, true. But sin was so hideous, so bad, so destructive in the human nature that it took GOD having to become a Man, and die on the Cross for all our sins for ever.

Again, see this as a swap. Spiritually speaking, Christ truly did leave behind His wonderful, beautiful, & glorious Home in Heaven to come to this sin-contaminated, sin corrupted place to save mine and your souls. He freely gave His life. No man taketh this life from Him, but He gave it up freely for the redemption of man (John 10:18). Whenever you believe in Him, then spiritually speaking, He has given unto you His own eternal life! While you gave Him your punishment! Indeed a (spiritual) swap took place.

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