Chapter 6 YOUTH

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1 Timothy 4:12King James Version (KJV)

12 Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

I personally know what it's like to be young, and to face numerous temptations and trials.. It seems as though satan desires the youth.. But why? Because we are babes in Christ.. And babes are weaker than the mature in Christ and are more vulnerable to attack and temptation.. Not to mention, we, the youth, are the future.


In a dark and evil world, you yes you can be a true weapon of God.. As you read from the verse above, let no man despise thy youth.. And be an example of the believers.. You see, Christ and His perfect life was an example as to how we are suppose to live.. So make your mark on this world by living for God and setting a remarkable example to live by.. I know it's very tough at times to live right while being a youth.. But with God there is no respect of persons.. There is no favoritism.. Walk as you were called and do not use your age as an excuse.. For we know the truth.. And how to act.. By walking in the Spirit, others aren't seeing you live, they are seeing Jesus live.. And that in itself is a powerful witness..


Most of our battles are self brought on.. By the sins we commit we are allowing satan in.. Bible says do not give satan a foothold.. Because if you give him the rope by falling into temptation and sin, then he will hang you with that rope.. And you will have stepped in to an unwanted battle..


Jesus, Who is our Lord, is our eternal hope.. And hope in Him is not ashamed or leads to disappointment.. A very good way to avoid those youthful sins and temptations and trials of darkness is to cling to, and have faith in Him.. Why should we do these things? Because He has already overcame all sin, all battles, and all trials/temptations.. It is indeed our faith in Him that guarantees overcoming.. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."-Philippians 4:13 .. So our faith must be ever anchored in Him and what He did for us at the Cross.. Then shall we be able to do all things through Him..


You are just as important to the Body of Christ as an elder.. And can use your God given gifts to spread the Gospel in a powerful way inspired by the Holy Spirit.. Be blessed, and praise God always.. For He is worthy.. In fact, when you walk and live in the Spirit, then it's rare for anybody to look at your age, but rather they see Christ living through you instead of you.. We must remember that the youth is the future.. And we must take care of, and cherish and nurture our youth in the manner in which we desire our future to be..


For our youth, it can be a very hard and stressful thing trying not to fit into the world.. After all, satan inspires television, music, anything he can to target the youth.. Why does he do this? He does this because if he can get people to follow him at a young and tender age, then as they grow they will live for him and not God.. For we as Christians are in the world physically, but are not of the world spiritually.. Come out from among the world and be ye separate says the Word of God.. So many temptations floating around and luring preteens, teens, and young adults into sinful lifestyles.. And for a Christian, sin is death.. Instead, be separate and live for God! For He saved you, has your life, and is now your life! Do not worry about what others think of you.. Why? Because they ain't God.. And Gods thoughts are all that truly matter.. He is eternal and Jesus holds the keys of life and death in His Hand.. Therefore we should be way more concerned with what He thinks of us rather than what the world thinks of us..

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