Months Later/Izana

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  I was in Zen's office helping him with paperwork again since he wanted to go out with Shira today. I didn't mind helping since I wanted the two together.

"Zen come on!Hurry if you want to hang out with Shira."If I had to say I got the close to anybody it was Zen he is my best friend and he knew about my crush on Obi.

I love Zen sometimes but then it's like he loses his mind when he thinks of the craziest plans to get people together.

"I'm going! I'm going!" I've notice that there are more guards and this bothered me since Zen wouldn't do that.

"Okay...Zen this one time I'll do your paperwork."He said," Thank You!Your the best!"I sighed and he ran off to go see Shirayuki.

   I got way better at finishing paperwork and I decided to go check if Zen has found his redhead princess. I jumped out the window and started to look for Zen. I wandered the gardens and I saw them talking. I was in a tree and I watched Zen grow flustered talking to her. I giggled at the scene but I noticed someone else watching them.They left before I could catch a glimpse at their face but they had blonde hair a bit above their shoulders.I sighed and decided to follow Zen cause why not.

   I ended up following Zen but I decided to just leave it alone since it really didn't seem to peak my interest.I was just relaxing when a messenger called me and it wasn't Zen knowing he would come get me himself.I followed the man regardless and I checked to see of my clothes were good.I was wearing my formal clothes thinking a guest Zen brought here.It felt a bit annoying since I don't have as much lateral movement.He took me to this area that kinda looked like a tent.I saw Shirayuki was inside.

"What are we doing here?"

"The first prince Zen's brother must want to talk to us.I'm confused on why a but it's fine."

All of a sudden we stopped hearing talking and heard footsteps coming towards us then the curtain opened. It was the man from before.

"Shirayuki! Sofia!" I stayed quiet and Zen's brother dismissed Zen and the others.

Zen was going to leave but he turned back around and walked towards us. He threw up the curtain and went close to Shira and whispered something in her ear. He gave me the make sure nothing bad happens look. I nodded and he left with the others.Once they left I think the first prince's name is Izana went in Shira's face after giving her a flower.

"Your one of Zen's friend and one of his favorites too. He keeps you by his side and deems you as a necessity."He continued to talk and I stopped paying attention.Then I heard him say some thing that boiled my blood.

"He brings a foreigner from another land with strange hair to the castle then he is truly a good for nothing prince."I felt myself grow angrier repeating the statement in my head and he dismissed us.

"Sorry Prince Izana was it? From what I noticed Zen seems to put you in a high regard and you are feared as well as respected by many. You come off as cold most of the time but you have this smile that you put on for business or things you find amusing. You have a great sense at finding the root of a problem."

He seemed interested on letting me continued instead of retorting to anything I could have said to him.

"I really would respect you as a leader but I don't think you should refer to your brother in such a way. Zen is one of the most invested princes in his country.I don't know what you see in him but I see a kind and compassionate prince. I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway your highness.I'll take my leave if that is what you wish."He seemed shock and it seems someone hasn't been able to tell him out in a respectful manner.

I haven't put on my front in a while since I didn't feel as if needed but I guess I felt it was the right time to use it. He dismissed us and Shira was shocked.

"Sofia?Was that really you?"

"Ah!Did I worry you Shira.Sorry I just didn't think he should have said those things about Zen. I respect him to much to hear someone say such thing no matter if they are the king or queen I don't care I won't allow anyone to insult my friends." Shira was excited to follow along.

"I'm going to see Zen and the others."

"Let me come with you!"

"Come on Shira."I picked her up since I wanted to get there as fast as possible and started to head off to Zen's office.

  We were at Zen's office and the minute we got there Shira started to talk about how I stood up for Zen.

"Zen! You should have seen Sofia! She looked so cool!She sounded above Izana! Like a queen."I flinched at that I don't deserve to be called that. I continued to listen to Shira.

"She told your brother you were kind, compassionate, and the most invested prince their country."Zen looked at me and I didn't know why he was shocked.

"You said all those things?"I stood in front of his and stared at him straight in the eyes not like I regretted it.

"Shirayuki wasn't lying and I meant every word that came out of my mouth you truly are amazing Zen."His face turned red and Zen covered his face too.

"How can you say something so embarrassing Sofia."I shrugged my shoulders and continued to speak.

"I'm only saying the truth beside your lucky I didn't say about how much of a dork you are."He sighed at my teasing and the other laughed.

"Way to ruin the moment Sofia."

I moved in closer to make sure only he hears.

"Can't have you falling for me Zen. You need to keep that heart of yours for miss red over there."

"You sure you aren't falling for me saying all of those things."I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Yeah right like I would fall for such an awkward dork such as yourself." He ruffled my hair and I scowled at him.

"You know I'm older than you!"

He knit his eyebrows and rolled his eyes at me.

"Yeah right!"I huffed and pouted my lips.

"I'm 21 so I'm older than Kiki but younger than Mitsuhide. Obi here is the same age. Shira is the youngest out of all of us."Everyone laughed and we all chatted for a bit but we needed to return to our duties so we all went our separate ways.

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