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(Sofia's Pov.)
I was with Shira and Obi picking plants with Ryu.I heard a whistle and a bird so I looked up to see a bird that is a beautiful blue and the ends of it's wings have green.The bird dipped down and went on Ryu's book.He was shocked and Shira called him again catching his attention.The bird flew back to what seemed to be it's owner.Shira realized too and walked over.She said thanking for calling Ryu and they started a conversation.Shira had to but Ryu said that she can stay for a little since it's almost break.I sighed and the girl asked,"What's your name?"Shira said,"I'm Shirayuki and these ore my friends Obi and Sofia."I waved and gave her a kind smile.She said,"My name is Kihal Toghurl."After I continued to watch the bird it looked beautiful and I couldn't keep my eyes off it...I put my arm out hoping the bird would land on it.He did and it gracefully landed on my arm.I gently pet his head and it snuggled in to it.Kihal said," Popo seems to like you."I said,"So that's his name."She said,"Yeah."I said,"He is a pretty bird."Kihal said,"Yeah. They are precious to us and those Nobles taking them away from us."I said,"Kihal...I can assure you that Zen isn't like most noble's you've encountered.I thought so too but if you get to know him he is very much the opposite."Kihal said,"I don't know..."I said,"Don't worry you'll see.He always changes peoples minds in the flashiest of ways."Obi said," Come on Sofia we should go."I nodded and said,"I'll see you later Kihal."We started to head back.
(Time skip)
We were at the watch tower waiting for the bird to come and I was on the top of the watchtower with Shirayuki and a royal guard.We opened the door to the room we were in to see Lord Brecker.He was making a reference to high places which equal high social status and he started to offer her a deal.I can't put my hands on nobility unless he harms Shira but she seems to be doing fine on her own.Lord Brecker was pissed and didn't care if she refused his deal.He ripped the bell off her neck and threw it in the water.He then shoved us inside the room and locked the door.Shirayuki gave her speech and I would say it was wonderful but she was just about to jump out the window.She jumped and I caught her but I lost my grip and we both started to fall.I wrapped my body protectively around hers and we landed in the water.I felt a stinging and I had a long cut on my arm but it wasn't deep but it was bleeding.I huffed and asked,"Shira are you okay?"She nodded and caught sight of my arm.I said,"I'm fine let's just stick to finding the bell.Don't say a thing to the others."She hesitantly nodded and Obi jumped into. He asked,"Mistress!Sofia!"I said,"We're fine." Shira said,"The bell fell in the water."Obi asked," Where?"Shira said,"A bit away from were we jumped."We started to look and around.I found the bell and rang it Popo came down.We went to shore and sighed the paper.I hid the injury from the other and they wrote a report to Zen.The bird flew back and I hoped it would get their on time...
(30 minutes later)
Obi lent Shira his jacket and Shira fixed me up on the side when no one was looking.I was with Shira and I said," Thanks Shira.I think I'm going to leave."She nodded and said,"Okay.Be careful." I nodded and Zen passed me it was kinda like he didn't notice me.I decided to stay and listen in on their conversation.They talked for a bit then they stop after Zen said idiot and I took a peak inside and saw that Zen kissed her.I was shocked and I was definitely going to tease him about it later.I left leaving the lovebirds alone and went downstairs.Obi came up to me and asked,"You jumped too are you feeling alright?"I said,"I'm fine it wasn't to high up."We talked a bit more and I remembered something... about Obi.He has feelings for Shira but Zen just kissed her. My voice caught in my throat and another thing to realize is that he won't have feeling for me.I didn't realize I spaced out and Obi called my name.I said,"It's nothing..."Zen and Shira came down I rode with one of the guards but I didn't feel like doing so this time.I walked up to Zen and asked,"Mind if I ride with you?"He said,"Not at all."We got on the Horse and Zen asked if everyone is ready.We rode off with the others trailing behind and I whispered,"Hey Zen.So I saw what happened between you and Shira in the tower."He said,"Y-You did?!?"I said,"Quiet down! Want the world to find out."He sighed and I said,"So how did you confess to her?"He said,"Well I kinda just kissed her."I blinked and said,"Zen!You can't just do that!"I whisper yelled and He said,"It was just an in the moment thing."I sighed and said,"Your hopeless Zen."He said,"She didn't say anything after either she just stood their blushing."I said,"She was most likely just realizing her feelings or she was too shocked to respond."He said,"Both of them sound good."I said,"Then their is this like two percent chance that she didn't want to hurt your feelings and she was too embarrassed about the whole thing and too shocked to reject you.Sorry just had to prepare you for rejection."He said,"Thanks Sofia."He was sarcastic and I said,"I don't want you to be completely heart broken."He nodded and asked,"How are things going between you and Obi?"I said,"They are fine but I don't think he likes me that way."Zen said,"Don't lose hope I think he just hasn't realized that he does."I sighed and said,"Thanks Zen you are a great friend."He said,"Of course I am."I said," Don't let that boost that ego of yours." He said,"Too late."I said,"I take back all the good things I said about you."He said,"You can't do that!"I said,"Sure I can."He whined," Sofia~."I giggled at his antics and said,"I wish Shira-chan good luck with you."He pouted and I stared at the setting sun blocking out Zen who is whining.He sure is something...

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