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(Sofia's Pov.)
  It's been a few days and Zen told me I had a meeting with his brother.I had to wear formal clothing not just any formal clothes princess clothes that means I needed to wear a dress. I wanted to choke the boy but Mitsuhide and Kiki blocked my way.I just finished showering I put on my under garments.I saw the dress on the bed and some flats thank god if I wore heels I would stab someone with them.I put on my dress and it wasn't puffy it was flat.I liked that not a fan of of puffy dresses.

My hair was good with the white dress since it was Ash Gray

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My hair was good with the white dress since it was Ash Gray.My hair was mid back and I liked it in a way.I styled my hair and left my face untouched.Zen is going to take me to Izana and we are going to have a nice chat.I was nervous but then I heard a tap on my window.I opened it and it was Obi.He said,"He-."He stopped talking and just stared at me. I said,"Stop staring I know I look weird."He stuttered,"W-Wha!You look g-g-great!"I giggled and said,"Did I just make Obi stutter?" His cheeks grew red and He said,"I'm here to take you to master."I nodded and he pulled out his arm.I wrapped my arm around his linking it together and I realized he was wearing formal clothes too.I asked,"Why are you wearing formal clothes?" He said,"I'm going to be in the room with the three of you on the side."I nodded and we started to walk to Zen's office.
(Zen's Office)
  I opened the door and went inside to see everyone here.Zen said,"It seems that you are okay with the dress I got you."I said,"Yes.It isn't puffy and I can manage in this."Shira said," Wow!Sofia hasn't worn a dress since the ball and you looks beautiful."I said,"Thanks Shira."Kiki said,"You do look more elegant in the dress."I said,"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment." We laughed a bit and Mitsuhide said,"You really do look beautiful."I said,"Thanks Mitsuhide. I really appreciate it."Zen said,"Alright time to go meet with my brother."I said,"I kinda dissed him when I first met him so I don't know how this will go."Zen said,"You'll be fine....I think."I said,"Encouraging."I sarcastically said and Obi said,"Zen is here this time since I can't interfere I think you'll be totally fine."I said," This is why being a bodyguard/assassin is easier."He chuckled and we entered the room. There was Izana sipping tea and He motion for us to sit.I summarized what I told the other and in more of a tone with authority not wanting him to think of me lightly.Once I finished he said,"I'll allow you to stay in the castle but you are a princess so you will have a person with in and out of the castle."I said,"Prince Izana I thinking it's better I stick with my current position as before.The fewer that know the less problems it cause.The maids and guards won't gossip about it soon telling others which can lead to more danger. I'll keep my leaving the castle and staying by myself as minimal as possible."He thought about it for a few second and said,"Alright Princess Sofia i'll allow it."I said,"Prince Izana one more thing if you are in a position were you think that you should tell someone about my true status then please come ask me first."He nodded and we discussed a bit more then the meeting soon ended.We left the room and Zen said,"Shirayuki was right when she told us about you when you have authority in your voice."I said,"I don't want to be taken lightly.I need to make sure people see me in a good light."Obi said,"Sofia looked really cool."I said,"Thank you Obi."Zen said,"I'm going to head back to my office."We nodded and Obi said,"Go change!"I asked,"For what?"He said,"We're going out!"I smiled and said,"Alright I'm going!"I went to my room and changed.
(Mini-time skip)
   I finished changing and I liked my clothes they looked good.I wore a dress because he said something nice.I wore flats again no way I'm ever wearing high heels.I went to look at my outfit in the mirror.

Obi was wearing something casual and yet formal which is weird to say it

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Obi was wearing something casual and yet formal which is weird to say it.He looked nice and he was wearing sneakers too.I said," Well you clean up nice."He said,"So do you Sofia~."We left and we talked the whole way about funny stories and other things.We got the restaurant it was beautiful.We laughed about a few things of our past.It was so funny we talked about Clariness and how beautiful it was.We left I payed he argued but I did so anyway.We left to go tree jumping which was super fun I took him to my favorite lake.Obi decided it was a good idea to push me in.I said,"Really Obi when I get up there I'm going to kill you."He said," Yeah right you love-."Before he could finish his sentence I pulled him into the water.We were both underwater we went up the moonlight was reflecting on the water.I stared deeply into his eyes I started to lean in and so did he. We kissed and then we got out the water.I was cold he took of his jacket put on my shoulders.He picked me up bridal style and said,"Sofia you should go to bed."I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.
(Obi's Pov.)
  I was jumping from tree to tree.I can't believe I kissed her I don't want it to be awkward.Ugh life is so hard it was my first one too I wonder if it was hers. I got to the castle to find Kiki and Mitsuhide their they saw I was soaking wet and so was Sofia.Kiki asked,"What happen?"I said," Sofia took me to her favorite lake I pushed her in and she pulled me in and we-."I stopped mid-sentence having red cheeks.Mitsuhide said," We what Obi?"I said,".N-N-Nothing and she fell asleep while I was coming here."I gave her to Kiki while I went to my room to change. From there I went to bed.

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