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(Sofia's Pov.)
Ever since I had revealed my status to everyone everyone was more polite for some reason.Zen was the only one who didn't but Obi,Shirayuki,Kiki,and Mitsuhide were treating me like a flower.Obi kept following me around I never felt a moment alone his presence didn't bother me but I would always see him looking at Shirayuki.I always showed him off to go talk to her but he always stayed by me.I wasn't mad at him but I felt my heartthrob.This is why I didn't want anyone to find out because I wanted to be the same person to them.I was walking around the field with Obi and Shira-chan was passing by with Ryuu.He didn't treat me any differently I told him and he was the way he always was polite.I greeted them both equally and Shira said,"H-Hi Sofia-chan!"She stuttered and Ryuu said,"Good Morning Sofia."I smiled and said,"Do you need help Ryuu?"He was carrying a bunch of books and said,"If it isn't too much trouble."I grabbed the books and said,"Nonsense I could use something to do."I glanced at Obi who was talking to Shira and he definitely wasn't paying attention to me.I started to walk away with Ryuu whole the two conversed.Ryuu said," Is it okay to leave them behind?"Sofia said,"They'll find their way back."I dropped off the stuff and headed to town since I just wanted some alone time.Seeing your crush fawn over someone else everyday really isn't ideal.I didn't really want to bother Zen with that so I just went into town.
(Obi's Pov.)
I was talking to Shirayuki and I hadn't noticed that Sofia along with Ryuu had just left.I took Shirayuki to Ryuu and I thought Sofia would be there no she wasn't.Ryuu said he didn't know where she was going.I left going to look for her I didn't know how to feel.If I wasn't near her I felt so worried because of what happened last time.I had feelings for Shirayuki but Zen had already captured her heart also Sofia she always ruptured something inside me.I didn't know what to feel when I was around her.Recently I haven't had as strong feelings the more I was with Sofia and I would just stare at her to see if I was true.I knew that every time I looked at her the less feelings I had.When I just stared at Sofia when she was just making a flower crown my face was always flushed.I had nearly forgotten the kiss from the other night but at the same time who am I kidding I never did forget.I remember the warmth and I didn't know how to feel about the situation.I sighed looking for her for a good hour and I couldn't find her.I went to Zen and he sent everyone to look for her.I know she was hiding on purpose but I don't know why.All I want to know now is that she is safe and sound.
(Sofia's Pov.)
  I came back from town with just little things like some  books and herbs for Ryuu.I had fun I was content with the time around town and when I jumped over the gate of the walls it was quiet.I decided to go check what going on and I jumped in through the balcony in Zen's office.I saw all my friend in the room and I opened the window.I said,"Hey what's up guys?"They all turned back to face me and Obi had walked up to me grabbing my shoulders.He said," Where the hell were you?!?We were all so worried-."His words went death to my ears and so did everyone else's.I hit his hand off my shoulder and I yelled,"Stop!Just...Stop." Tears pricked her face and Obi said,"Why are you crying?"I said," Ever since I told you all of what's going on you've treated me like a flower the only people who haven't are Ryuu and Zen!I don't want that!I never did I'm not a child either!I'm a skilled assassin that was a princess!I can't take this I hate the suffocation I shouldn't have a bodyguard I want my friends back not guardians of the my life and the things I can and can't do!"Zen looked at sad he know he ran away all the time and they all didn't meet my eyes.I moved away from Obi and Mitsuhide said,"We just wanted to make sure your safe."I said,"The minute I decided to stay with you guys I was in danger.The minute I chose to be friends with you guys it was dangerous and everything I've done now has been dangerous...But I'd rather live with danger and have friends with my freedom to do what I want by myself.I didn't come here or stay for protection I stayed because I couldn't see myself without you guys."By the end of me talking I was crying and I felt them stare at me.I felt my legs take over and I ran faster than I have ever run before.I just wanted to get out of there.
(Third Pov.)
  Everyone watched her leave they knew they messed up Obi went to chase after her but Zen stopped him.He knew what was going on in Sofia's head with Obi and he knew if he went now no way she was going to like it.Zen said,"I'm going to look for her.You guys stay here."Obi said,"But-."Zen said,"Just stay here."He snapped yes he was pretty clueless to the situation but he hurt her so many times.Zen walked out the room head and started to head in the direction of where Sofia was.Obi lips thinned he tightened his fist and he mumbled,"I'm sorry Master but I can't just let you do this." He had rushed off following her and he hated the image of her crying.He felt like he was at fault for smothering her instead of treating her like he normally.He felt horrible he wanted to see that smile on her face.Mitsuhide was going to stop him but Kiki put her hand in front of him shaking her head no.Sofia was in an area close by and she held in any tears that wanted to come out.Why did she run?She had no idea but all she wanted was everything to go back to normal. She wished she wasn't a princess and she wished she didn't have to put herself or her friends through this.She just sat in the flower field that was well hidden in the forest and looked at the clouds passing by just watching as time moved on.
(30 minutes later)(Sofia's Pov.)
I was laying on the flowers when I sense someone land near me.I looked to see Obi I sat up and said,"What do you want?"I didn't mean to sound so cold but no going back now right?He looked at me with his cat like orbs and it made butterflies flutter in my stomach.It wasn't the time to feel this way at all.He stepped closer to me and said,"Mind if I sit?"I looked at him and gave him like a whatever look which he sat down next to me.We day there in silence and I said," So what do you need?"He said,"I'm so selfish..."I stared at him and he was staring at me right in the eyes.I asked,"Why is that?"He said,"I didn't want to lose you...I felt like if I took my eyes off you you'd just disappear...I wasn't thinking about your skills or anything about you being a princess.I just wanted to see that you were okay with my own eyes.I guess I cared too much..."I felt my chest tighten and I said," You should save those words for your red headed princess not me you might just make her jealous."Obi looked at me and said,"I-."I didn't want him to say anything so I just hugged him and said,"I'm sorry for being cold to you."He hugged back we stayed like that for a bit.I was going to pull away but he held on tighter and said,"Can we stay like this just a bit longer?"I smiled a bit and said,"Okay."So we just stayed like that holding each other desperately clinging on.

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