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(Sofia's Pov.)
I woke up and I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen along with stings of pain all over my body.I was remembered why I was here and I noticed Obi sleeping on my side.I blushed and the door opened.I saw Shirayuki come through the door.I said," Hey Shira!"She dropped her things and ran out the room.I was bewildered and I looked down at Obi.I smiled gently and combed my hands through his hair.He must have been really tired.He would have woken up even before someone touched him.I heard fast footsteps coming our way and I stayed on my toes.The door opened slammed open waking up Obi and the others came in. All I could do was stare into his cat like eyes till I felt someone hug me.I looked to see it was Zen.I said,"I told you I would stay alive."He said,"I don't want to lose you too."He was crying and I said,"It can't leave you alone ever who would make sure that you don't mess up while Kiki and Mitsuhide are on a date."The other three hugged me when Zen let go.I looked at Obi who was being so quiet and I said,"Obi..."I said his name so softly and the others left the room.He chuckled and said,"I shouldn't even be here..."I asked,"Why is that?"He said,"It's my fault that you got so hurt badly..."I got off the bed and tumbled towards him.He caught me and I cupped his cheeks making him look at me.I said,"No!Your not the reason I'm hurt.I recklessly did things causing my own defeat and I let my emotions get in the way of things.It's not your fault at all and I won't let you blame yourself."He said,"Look at you!You have tons of bruises and cuts all because we couldn't help you!"I said,"These scars were to protect what is close to me and I don't mind having a few scars because I was able to protect what's closest to me."Our foreheads were touching and He said,"What would your future husband say to that."I said,"If I was going to pick any to be my husband they have to care about my friends and accept me scars and all."Obi chuckled and I felt a blush creep onto my face and asked," What?"He said,"Nothing.Just admiring..."I felt myself grow so red and I said,"Obi quit teasing me."He said,"I only speak the truth to you."I swear my cheeks were redder than Shira's hair at this point.I said,"You are bad for my health like candy."He said,"Am I really that sweet."I said," Wait."I swiftly gave him a kiss on the cheek and said,"Yeah you are."I managed to get myself out of there before words even left his mouth.
(Obi's Pov.)
That little sneak she did that on purpose!My cheeks were fifty different shades of red and I don't know if she likes me.I mean she could have just been teasing god why is this so complicated. Anyways when she woke up she was suppose to go to masters office after she is done getting dressed cause she is in a short pajama dress that they let her borrow her clothes being cover and ripped.Shit!I walked out in her direction and she must have not realized what she was wearing.I looked around and found a few guards staring as she passed.I felt my blood boil and walked up to her took off my jacket putting it on her shoulders.I picked her up bridal style and glared at the guards before I left.Sofia said," O-Obi!"I said,"You should check what you wear before you leave to places!"She looked down confused and then she realized what she was wearing.She said,"How was I suppose to know someone changed me!"I sighed and we go to her room.I told her to change and that we need to head to masters office.She nodded and went into her room.
(Sofia's Pov.)
I need something comfy but appropriate to wear since I can't wonder the castle halls like I did before in this.I took off the nightgown and looked threw my drawers.I was hoping to find something I can move in since all I have been wearing a lot is dresses. I found something and it was nice but flexible.

I quickly checked how I looked and minus the bandages I like it

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I quickly checked how I looked and minus the bandages I like it.I walked out and saw Obi waiting for me.I said,"Obi?You know you could have left."He said,"What if something happened to you?"I said,"Obi I'm not a baby I can take care of myself."He sighed and said,"You walked out the room in a short dresses."I said,"You could have told me."We went back and forth into Zen's office till we heard a cough.Zen said,"I see you are getting along."I said,"Obi is being Obi!" Obi said,"What's that suppose to mean?"Zen said,"Children! Pay attention we need to talk!"We stopped and the air around us became serious.Zen looked at me and I said,"I bet you want an explanation to what happened." Zen said,"That would be great."I said,"He wasn't lying when he said I was a princess and what you saw with the blade that i'll explain in a second.Akira...He is the twin brother of Aki they were both workers at the castle.They were my best friends since I was little but she died when I was eight and I killed Aki with my own two hands.I thought both were dead but obviously her brother wants my head on a platter served to my father."I didn't cry just stared at my hands and after a few I continued,"The princess well I am the Princess of Miyasaki and I ran away when I was eleven I became an assassin as well.I already killed multiple times and knew how to use various weapons at a young age so I was set.Now my powers...I don't use them much but I got them from my mom and my aunt grace had them as well.They were both lovely people and my mom died when I was 3 or 4 my aunt disappeared after I lost my best friends that same night.I didn't have much even though I was a princess I felt like no matter what gifts and things you give are never going to be enough to make me forget the pain."Mitsuhide asked," What about your father?"I bitterly chuckled and said,"Ah!He was a total asshole.He thought having friends was weakness and that's why I killed Aki and slashed Akira he told me to kill them or he would kill my aunt.The only real family I had left and well I was obedient to do so afraid and used to not speaking up.He dominated my life and I never had a real childhood after my mother died.He killed her too.I saw him and I was surprised but then again my family is so fucked up."I heard sobs and I looked at Shira she was crying.I walked to her and asked,"Shira? Why are you crying?"She said,"You've been though so much and you can say this like you having a regular conversation like it's normal."My eyes widened and I wrapped my arms around her gently placing my hand on her head.I chuckled and said,"You sure are something.I'm glad I was able to tell you more about myself and I hope that won't change anything.Experiencing it is worse than saying it so I think i'm fine Shira I promise I won't get use to bad things happening."She stopped sobbing and I let go of her.I smiled down at her and looked at the others then smiled at them.I said,"I'm planning on dealing with my father my self."Zen slammed his hands on his desk and said,"No!He has a whole army of soldiers."I looked at Zen and said,"I know but he can't use his army in a Royal duel."Zen looked at me shocked and said,"Your going to fight your father."I said,"Yes.If it's for the throne then i'll do it.I'm tired of him chasing after me and he took everything from me now I'm going to take the throne back but I can't do it now.He won't except if we are by ourselves so if I managed to sneak in the castle I probably get killed on the spot but if I do it in front of the kingdom then he can't refuse and he would have to fight me for honor and his pride killing his daughter would be a huge ego buster.I don't necessarily plan on having the throne since I don't really like sitting and ordering people around.Like your brother does.I was hoping aunt grace is still alive and well so I don't really need to do that but I'll do it if I need too."Zen said,"Alright all that aside Sofia your not allowed to leave the castle without someone."I raised a brow and said,"What?No way!"Zen said,"It's for your safety.Your a princess and your in danger."I said,"No...I'm an assassin who knows how to take care of herself."Zen said,"Sofia your still a princess."I said," How about this If I go out I'll wear a hood like Shira but if you worry about my safety so much I'll take Obi with me most places."Zen said,"It's either this or nothing huh?"I said,"You got it."He said,"Fine."I smiled and said,"Alright Obi.None of that princess or mistress shit that you do.I'm purely your partner and your just watching over me cause Zen won't get off my back."He nodded and I said,"I'm going to be in the forest."I ran off and Obi chased after me telling me to hold up.

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