The Entrance

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~Oh My Gawd like how beautiful is she??? Hope you like the chapter. Sorry for taking so long i am a very big procrastinator~


Waking up and realizing i had my first day at a new school with new peers was like being stabbed with a fork several times. i didn't get much sleep the night before because i was too busy thinking about the sexy as fuck boy who saved my life at the beach.

I decided since it was the first day i wanted to make a good first impression.

i decided on wearing a sexy white lace romper with a black, long choker and paired with a light makeup look and kept my hair in its natural beach wave state.


After eating some avocado french toast and blending a banana, pineapple, and strawberry smoothie to go i hopped into my car which was a 2018 SEAT Ateca in all white

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After eating some avocado french toast and blending a banana, pineapple, and strawberry smoothie to go i hopped into my car which was a 2018 SEAT Ateca in all white.

Driving to school i still had the strikingly handsome boy who saved my life on my mind. His perfectly structured jawline and plump lips kept on relaying in me head.

My brother was already getting out of his car when i arrived in the parking lot. I already knew every ones eyes were on us so why not make a memorable introduction? I slowly opened my drivers side door and put my foot on the ground. i started to get out of my car at an anticipatingly leisured pace. I could already picture the girls jealous faces cause their boyfriends are thinking about getting with me,

After making my memorable entrance i walked through the halls trying to find the office to get my schedule and locker number. on my way i noticed an all to familiar, dashingly handsome face of the boy from the beach.

He started to walk over to me and i nearly peed myself. He was only a mere foot away from me when Jackson came and saved the day.

"Hey sis, did you find the office yet?" He asked me. I was too frazzled to give him an answer and it all just came out as a bunch of mumbles.

Finally, after gaining composure i was able to tell him i hadn't yet found the office. I am usually never this flustered about a boy.

I have always been known as the confident one and that sure as hell is never going to change.

Walking into first period class, 15 minutes or so late because it took forever to find the office and get my locker number and schedule, I took an empty seat in the back row of the class.

In front of me there were 2 girls.

The girl on the left, closer the window, had dark skin and a gorgeous complexion. Her eyes were a stunning chocolate brown color.

"Hi, I'm Nova" she said. "Are you new?"

"Yeah" I nonchalantly replies.

"What's your name?" The girl sitting next to Nova asked.

Now this girl was stunning. She looked like someone you would see walking the runway during New York fashion week. She had very dark brown, almost black, hair and another beautiful complexion.

Why are people in California so beautiful? I thought.

After introducing ourselves and making small talk the bell for our next class rang. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

I found out that The girl sitting next to Novas name was Mae and she helped me figure out were to go for my next class. We all planned to sit with each other at lunch.

I got pulled out of my train of thought when I fell down after waking into a wall. When I looked up there was no wall just Weston Moore, the really hot boy who i met my first night In Malibu.

"Watch were your going, Lilywhite" he said with an amused tone

"Fuck off, Moore". I snapped back

He seemed kind of mad at this and came closer to me.  Our faces were inches apart went he moved in and started nibbling on my earlobe. Just as he was stepping away from my face, he whispered in my ear

"You were a lot of fun last night, especially the kisses".

Then walked away.




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