A Night To Remember

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After a long ass day at my new school I decided to head home and my myself a smoothie.

Pulling into my house I saw my brothers car. Guess he beat me home.

After entering my house I went strait for the fridge to grab some Kale, Spinach , and Strawberries for my delicious drink I was about to make.

I grabbed the blender and mixed all my ingredients together and turned the machine on.

After my smoothie was done I went into the movie room and picked out the movie The 5th Wave.

Halfway through the movie I started to get tired. I thought about what Weston said  and what happened the night he saved me while I feel into a deep sleep.

~DREAM~( what happens that night)

Coming up from the water in the grasp of my savior I caught my breath.

After calming down he brought me to the shore and handed me his towel

"What's a pretty girl like you doing almost droning in the Pacific?" He asked.

"I was surfing". I replied quietly, drained from my near-death experience. Finally I was able to get a good look at the boy as he went to go get my surfboard that washed up on shore.

He had brown hair and sparking brown eyes. He was also very toned. Definitely worked out.

"What's your name?" I asked him while he was coming back from retrieving my surfboard. "Mines Tatum Lilywhite"

"Weston. Weston Moore" he replied smugly "ever heard of me?"

I have. He was a pretty well-known surfer who has won national competitions across the US.

"Yeah". I replied notcholantly. "I've definitely heard of you." He stated. "Your one of the best  girl surfers across the states. I've seen videos of your moves, totally badass."

The way he was talking about me put butterflies in my stomach. I'm a very humble person so I hate thinking I'm one of the best.

Weston and I sat on the beach for another hour and got to know each other. I found out that he has a little sister, Erica and  he lived a block away from me.

I told him about what my old home was like and all of the friends I had. We also shared embarrassing stories that happened in our past.

Talking to him felt so natural. He was an amazing listener and as cheesy as it sounds, we definitely had a connection.

It got really cold so I started to shiver. Weston noticed and offered me his sweatshirt that he had In his car.

I kindly took it and put it on. The sweatshirt was ginormous on my tiny frame but made me feel nice and cozy. I realized it was his football hoodie too.

Weston offered to drive me home and I agreed. On the way home we jammed out to some rap.

When we finally got to my house I was about to get out of the car but Weston grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap so I was now straddling him.

He smashed his lips onto mine and I was shocked by the sparks that I felt against my lips, but quickly kissed him back with just as much force.

I've definitely had my fair share of make outs but none of them have ever been this toe curling.

He moved one of his hands from my waist lower so it was now cupping my butt. He put his tongue on my lips asking for entrance. I decided I wanted to tease him so I denied access.

This mad him groan and squeeze my ass as hard as he could. I involuntarily moaned which gave him an opening to led his tongue explore my mouth.

Before anything could go further I pulled away and climbed off his lap.

Before exiting the car I turned to him and said "see you at school.", then winked and walked towards my front door.

As I watched him drive away I could still feel the tingling on my swollen lips.

Definitely a night I'll remember.

Kinda short, but I tried my best. First steamy scene of the book! How'd I do???



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