Chapter 7

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Perfected France:

Current Day

"Papa? Can you take me to see the Eiffel Tower again?"

That was when I felt it. The pain lingered me from my abdomen-to the back of head. I fell back onto my knees and gasped for air. I never thought a person as myself, a strong general would get pain like this. Sure, a few scraps and that was it...but, this was something worse...

"F-Francis?" Whimpered the blonde.

I would have kicked the Canadian for calling me that, but instead, I groaned and held my head in my hands. I curled into a ball and felt a someone else flooding my vision...someone who looked like me.

"It's time for you to go back into your place." Growled a voice.

I didn't stand back though, all I could do was hold on the lingering pain in my body. I moaned and clutched my head even tighter till' all I saw was emptiness and darkness.


March 31, 1889

The skies were dark and the hard working men around me cheered on as the tower was finally completed. 26 months of brutal working and thousands of critics judged our mastery. The love of the people of my country never change, do they?

I sighed and smiled as the others danced and drank wine with their pals. Everyone had been working from when the sun rises-till' the moon sets. The days for all us working has finally been put to a stop, and I could finally get the chance to see my son again in so long.

For the last few decades, all that I could see was the Canadian growing more and more stronger as a country. He became independent of the Brit in so long, that I never got the chance to ever congratulate him. Even whenever his birthday rolled around, all I could ever do was cry in my sleep-it was all thanks to my boss.

All my boss ever wanted from me was to work and work and work! I never had the time to ever see him once. But all I could do was look over to the ocean, and try to see as if I could see my son from the shores of my own country.

But sadly, that never happens...


I turned around and my vision slowly uncovers something I have not seen in decades.

It was was my son.


Current day


Due to Flying Mint Bunny's tantrums of spooky noises and what not, we left off to go and find another place to stay. It had to be at least five P.M. since most of the area we were at-had barely any light left to see.

I brushed back the untangled curls from my face, and looked to find best source for a place to stay. We had been walking for what seemed to be 40 miles at most and that would give at least another day or two before the patrols find us.

"Um, Janet?"

"Huh?" I looked up and noticed the bunny wasn't exhausted anymore.

"I think I see some people from here..."

"What?!" I whisper shouted. I grabbed the bunny from the floor and hid between a decaying palm tree and dead bushes. As overreacted as I was, I knew that I couldn't trust anyone!

"H-Hello? Anyone out there?" Said a voice in desperation. "Hello? Please, don't hide! We are just like you! Please!"

I looked over at FMB and saw giving me a pleading look. I sighed and nodded at him since the person did sound normal and not robotic. We both stood up from our hiding spot. I picked up the injured bunny and walked closer and closer to the being.

Maybe, I'm not the only normal one after all.


(And that is all for chapter seven! I had some partial feels so I couldn't continue on, but hopefully the next chapter will blossom more into it. This was more for the purpose of France's perfection's undoing if any of you are lost. I added Jane into this to also not leave her behind.




Hope you guys liked it! )

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