02: "I propose a deal"

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Song: Kiwi by Harry Styles

"What do you mean we have to get up at 6.30 in the morning?" Madelaine asked in horror when Mr. Cosas gave out schedules to everyone, and Madelaine noticed that we would have a run at 7 am every morning except Sundays. I looked at the day plan over her shoulder as she stared in disbelief at the camp staff.

7.00 - 8.00: morning run / exercise
8.15 - 9.20: breakfast
9.30 - 12.15: morning activities
13.30 - 14.30: lunch
14.50 - 18.00: afternoon activities
18.15 - 18.45: yoga
19.30 - 20.30: dinner
20.30 - 21.50: shower time
22.00 - 6.00: lights out

Mr. Cosas did say that the times are flexible and if there would be a need, we could change them; except the eating times were set because he and his staff had no control over that. A lot of the campers were still unhappy about all the exercise and Mr. Cosas shut them up with a warning look and let us go get our food.

I grabbed some potatoes, green peas and carrots and sat back down, Alex following me about a minute after and sitting next to me. Madelaine sat on my other side and Judy sat next to her. Elle, Kylie and Tina sat across from us. When we weren't starving anymore, we began small talk.

"So girls, any hot guys that sparked your interests?" Elle asked and giggled. Kylie smacked her on the arm, but laughed with her and grins were soon spreading among our faces. "No but I am serious. There's this group of campers and I hear it's an all boys sports group of some kind, I believe they play football?" Elle shook her head and continued.

"Oh so that's what they are? I thought they were just some friends who live around here." I asked, sticking my fork into one of my potatoes and biting it. It was Kylie who wiggled her brows at me and winked.

"They? Who do you mean Asia?" she asked and I sensed the unspoken question and I laughed and shook my head. I swallowed the food and smiled at her, once again shaking my head at her.

"It's nothing like that, I just saw a group of boys around our age and I was wondering who they were. I've only seen families here so they stuck out." I explained and I could sense the girls didn't believe me. Their curios eyes waited for more, but I couldn't give them more; there was nothing more to give anyways.

It's not like I found the boy who bumped into me cute, that's not the truth at all.

Chatter continued throughout the table, but I remained silent and ate my lunch in silence, occasionally smiling at the jokes everyone seemed to be cracking. I had a tendency to eat fast, so I was finished first. I carried my plate over to the counter and threw the napkin away. I was about to leave, but I saw Mr. Cosas stand up, so I waited by the door.

"The first activity today will be volleyball! Starts at 14.50, don't be late!" he announced and I smiled; I like volleyball. I opened the door and let a family inside before I left the cafeteria. I decided to change out of my jean shorts and tank top into slightly sportier clothes. I began the short walk to our cabin, walking slowly and leisurely. I wasn't in a rush and the sun warming my skin reminded me just how much I needed this vacation away from home.

Once I arrived to my cabin I flung the door open and walked over to the closet with my clothes. I picked out some Nike shorts, a big white shirt that said 'babe' and I decided to dress a bikini under that, so I could go take a quick swim after we would be done. I closed the door and changed there, in hopes of my cabin mates eating until I would be all dressed.

The door swung open just as I slipped my jean shorts down, much to my dismay together with my underwear. I gasped and turned around, but as soon as I heard Alex laughing I threw my pants at her. She was still laughing and I quickly slipped the white bikini bottoms on along with the Nike shorts.

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