04: "Would you trust me like that?"

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Even though I had Zayn and a guy named Liam on my team, we lost. Harry scored most of their points and halfway through the game I realized it was due to his height advantage. We played until one team scored thirty points and as soon as Harry scored their final point, he turned around and smiled deviously at me. My eyes widened and I backed up, swiftly turning around and bolting because I didn't want to go swimming in my clothes. I could hear him running behind me while the rest of his team laughed, and once I glanced back I shrieked in surprise he was directly behind me.

In one swift motion, Harry caught me by my waist and he swung me over his shoulder, laughing at my feeble attempts to escape his hold. I was laughing now too and banging with my fists for him to let me down, but he seemed unfazed as he carried me towards the beach. I could see sand under his feet, but he continued to one of the wooden bridges that were used for jumping in water. I shrieked in surprise when we came to the end of one of the lower ones and he set me down, still smiling at me. As soon as my feet hit the ground I tried to flee, but he quickly gripped me and I laughed as I tried escaping his strong arms.

I only stopped when we almost fell down into the water and I could hear chuckles come from the rest of mine and Harry's teams, my team members being held by Harry's team members because none of us wanted to be thrown into the water. I turned my head and looked up at Harry, to find him already looking at me.

"Harry, no please, just let us at least change please, it's a simple-" I tried pleading with him and I had a glimmer of hope when he looked at me thoughtfully, but he couldn't help himself but smirk and pop a dimple when he shook his head no. I began squirming again when they aligned us by the end of the wooden plank and I looked at Harry with pleading eyes but he only smirked more as he pushed me of, making a shriek erupt from my mouth. In my shocked state I tried to grab something to prevent myself from falling, and my hand found his arm. Since it was the only thing I could grip, I did so, tightly.

Harry's eyebrows raised in surprise and he cursed a bit as he also began falling with me, and my shrieks were muffled when the water enveloped us in a tight hug. I laughed as bubbles from my shrieks escaped the water and I tried looking around under the water, but everything was blurry. I could faintly hear and vividly felt how around six more bodies came in contact with the water. I could faintly see them and I knew one of them was Harry, but I was running out of oxygen and I needed to get out of the water to breathe.

I kicked with my legs and used my arms to swim up on the surface, inhaling the wave of fresh air gratefully. I blinked a few times, trying to get the water out of my eyes and searched for the curly headed boy and smiled when I saw him emerge from the deep sea water. He shook his head around, water droplets hitting me in the face as they fell off of his long curls. When his eye met mine, he shook his head and chuckled, probably at my attempts to save myself that only ended in him also getting wet.

"You know, you owe me one." he said and I raised my brows, splashing him with water and laughing when he playfully pouted his lips. I shook my head and mimicked his facial expression, swimming backwards as more and more people reached the surface. "I owe you nothing, that was just a reflex. It was convenient, but it wasn't on purpose." I told him seriously, making him stick out his tongue out at me, before he disappeared below the blue water.

Before I could even react, I felt something tug at my leg and I let out a surprised scream that was once again muffled by the water. That something turned out to be the curly haired lad that decided it would be fun to dunk me, waving at me under the water. Because I accidentally swallowed some water while shrieking, I was above the surface a second faster than Harry. I began coughing and choking and his smile was replaced by a frown and he quickly swam over to me, holding me above the water so I could breathe again. Worry laced his features and he looked concerned as he looked me directly in the eyes.

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