03: "I'll be waiting"

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Song: Hotter than Hell by Dua Lipa

I woke up when someone smashed a pillow on my face. I grumbled and sat up, rubbing my eyes tiredly. Alex was grinning at me excitedly and I chuckled, laying back down and covering my head with a pillow. If there was one thing I hated, it was waking up early, especially to work out; I was fine after everything was done, but only then.

"C'mon Asia if you're going to be late you will get extra exercises!" Alex yelled and I bolted of my bed, quickly dressed in shorts and an over-sized men shirt, tied my sneakers and hopped outside. I only then realized that only Alex was already awake so I flipped her off and sat next to her on the bench. I glanced over to our other cabins, but almost everyone was still sleeping. The early morning air woke me up and I put my hair in a pony so I could exercise.

"Styles, you have ten more seconds to come out!" I heard a male voice yell and I glanced over to see who it was. I saw a man in his late 30s, maybe early 40s, standing in front of a green cabin about 30 feet away from us. I recognized Zayn and Niall among the group of boys behind the man, chuckling. They all wore sports attire so I figured they were the football players Madelaine told us about. I searched for Harry as the coach counted from 1 to 10, probably informing the poor boy how much time left he has.

I couldn't find him, but just then he stumbled out the cabin. His hair was in a messy bun and he was slipping a shirt over his body, but before he could put it on, I caught a glimpse of his tattooed torso. The coach slapped him over the head and chuckled, before talking to his team and giving them instructions.

"Hey you guys." Madelaine said in a tired tone and I glanced at her as she yawned. She had her red hair in two french braids and I smiled at her as she took a seat opposite of me and Alex. I glanced back at the neighboring team, but they were no longer there. I couldn't think about it for too long, because Mr. Cosas' whistle pulled me back to my camp activity: the morning workout.

"So are we all here?" he asked, and we looked around; our cabin was here, and there seemed to be a lot of girls so we were probably all here. A chant of silent confirmations was heard followed by a few yawns. Mr. Cosas furrowed his brows and some of the girls giggled, because he looked ridiculous. "So I see y'all are still sleepy, huh?" he hummed, and some girls nodded. A smile spread on Mr. Cosas' face, "To wake up, run to the playground about a mile and a half away from here. I'll wait for you there." he said and pulled out his bike, ordering a few of the other counselors to watch us and to make sure we would run.

"I'll give you a massage if you get there first." Alex offered and I nodded, both of us sprinting after Mr. Cosas. A massage sounded nice and I really wanted it, so I picked up my pace and was the first one so far. Alex slowed down after about half a mile, stopping to tie her shoe lace. We outran Mr. Cosas almost immediately so I was all alone running to the playground he wanted us to go to. I knew where it was, because I had already been to this camp before and we would usually run here, since it had interesting devices he would make us use as fitness machines,

I observed the nature I was passing and as I breathed in a fast pace, I could feel the sea air burn my nostrils and the more I ran, the more my lungs and legs were burning. I felt the sweat trickling down my forehead and I wiped it with my hand as I ran up the small hill. All I could hear was my heavy breathing and the sound of my feet pounding on the concrete. I had advanced a lot so I slowed down to a steady pace so I would also be able to run back to camp. 

When the playground came in view though, I estimated it to be about half a mile away and decided to muster up some strength and I sprinted towards it. My leg muscles ached and I could feel my heartbeat in my chest; I could feel my lungs battle for air and I almost stopped but I just had the 100 more feet. I gritted my teeth and ran as fast as I could.

When I arrived to the playground, I collapsed on the floor and lay down on my back, my breathing rapid, chest falling and rising quickly. I smiled and ignored the pain I could feel in my whole body and just relaxed. It felt nice to be back here. I sat up and took three deep breaths, steadying my breathing. It wasn't normal, but it was better than before and it didn't feel like my airway was closing anymore. I let myself fall back down and I smiled in content, listening to the nature for a few moments.

"Hey are you okay?" someone asked and I didn't open my eyes or moved because for all I knew they weren't even speaking to me; I simply lay there and relaxed before Mr. Cosas would come to torture us. "Hello, Asia?" they spoke again and I bolted upright, because now I was sure they were talking to me since they addressed me by name. Unfortunatley, my sudden movement caused me to bump into that someone and we both groaned in pain.

"Seriously Asia, we need to stop bumping into each other." I now recognized the voice as Harry. I opened my eyes and took his hand so he helped me stand up. I laughed and dusted my back and ass of, since it was dirty from the gravel.

"Maybe you can take me to a smoothie as an apology." I jokingly said and winked, laughing afterwards. His lips spread in a smile and he nodded. 

"Sure, we can go today after lunch?" he asked and I'm pretty sure I blushed; I wasn't being serious! After all, it was my fault we always seemed to bump into each other. I smiled and opened my mouth to speak, stuttering a little.

"No, Harry, I was just joking! I mean, uh, I, uh, you really don't need to if you don't want to." I stumbled over my words, and a cheeky grin spread across his face and his eyes squinted.

"Look, I have to go but my offer stays. I'd like to see you once and not bump into you. You can think about it, but I'll be waiting!" he waved and ran off. I was confused at his sudden leave, but I realized the reason were his team mates that were now  running past me, the ones I knew greeting me.

I smiled and shook my head at Harry's kindness; he was a gem. I looked after him and saw Mr. Cosas slowly riding his bike and Alex a few feet behind him, and behind her a group of girls. I hadn't realized I went that much ahead.

When the group reached the playground, Mr. Cosas let the girls cool off for a minute so they caught their breaths, but then we had to do pull ups, sit ups, some push ups and stretching exercises. Since it was our first day, he let us go back to camp after that and he stayed behind so he would make sure we all came back.

I ran back with Alex and we talked through it, so the run ran by quickly. We were first in camp, so I decided to shower before breakfast. I grabbed my toiletries, some clean underwear and fresh clothes. I picked up a towel and waited for Alex as she joined me. We went down to the showers and I brushed my teeth before stripping and taking a quick shower. I washed my hair and conditioned it before I wrapped it in a towel. Slipping on the shorts and tank top, I walked out of the shower. Alex was already waiting for me. I smiled at her and we slowly went back to our cabin, to leave out stuff there.

Since it was 8.22, we decided to go to breakfast. A few of the girls were already there along with a counselor named Bethany. I filled Alex in on what happened between me and Harry and she let out a shriek loud enough to bring attention to us. Once I managed to calm her down, she slapped my arm repeatedly.

"You got a date with Harry?!"

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