Let's get it started

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When I was done unpacking mom called and with almost a crying voice told me that she is missing me and that I shouldn't have done this. I explained to her that it was only temporary. She got really emotional and I bet that she would late have a little fight with Dad . He had his way though to convince her . I've told him many times that if he wasn't an accountant he should have been a lawyer.
After I was done with my homework I started to write some new jokes . My dad was crystal clear about this ! I had to maintain my GPA if I wanted to do this .
I had no gaps in any school subject. I was doing fine and because I had this kind of security I could work on writing jokes . Let me tell you something about writing. Turns out it's not that easy especially if you want to do a good job . By now I had wrote about 25 jokes or joke ideas . About half of them were rubbish . So I had to start right over , also I had to work on my presentation . I'm shy but I have to look cool and confident . In order to do that I watched a lot of videos . I asked also for an advice from my internet fellow "orange sausage" . He told me that I should work in front of a mirror. I had a big one in the right side of the bed in my new place . The whole wardrobe is actually covered by mirrors . So that's what I should do so it is .
By performing and reading jokes out loud you can really feel the essence of the joke plus all the time that you need in order to pause or talk faster . The more I was reading the less I liked my jokes . It took me a while to realize that most of it was crap . Well pretty much all of it besides 3 jokes and those could cover about a minute . I had five minutes on stage how was I suppose to cover it .
The time was well passed and I had to go back to sleep . It 4 30 when I finally closed my eyes .
When I woke up I had nothing to eat so I simply went to  school hungry . Fun fact about living on your own, turns out you have to do everything so I had to go to the supermarket and buy groceries . I didn't have to pay the running bills though , my dad took care of it !

Arnold passed by making weird faces to me . He was getting more and more stupid lately . Jane was also near . She was looking more skeptical than she used to . It can't be class related or homework . Probably some family matter was bugging her . I'd love to help her but she was the one that took off . She was a loner and I'm well aware that she'll probably will not hang out with anyone until we graduate .
However somehow people were nice to me . Probably because nobody really liked Arnold. Turns out that he and his companionship we're making fun of everyone that they didn't like . And that's a lot of people .
One of them was Becky . We were at the same class but we haven't talk for more than five minutes in those four years . She invited me to sit at her table. With her friends. I'll have to admit it .I liked being back little more in the radar and she was actually quite nice. She was a tall girl with athetic body and long black hair. She had spent some time in Australia that's why her accent was a little funny . Al the time I was sitting with them I could she Jane sitting all alone at the table we used to sit when we were friends . High school can turn upside down in a few seconds. If anyone had told me that we will no longer be friends a month ago I'd say that he was insane !
The power of gossip in high school was so strong . Even professors knew what was going on . Mr Davidson was no exception . He was an old history professor with short hair in the front and a little longer in the back. He looked ridiculous  . He also  loved to gossiping and insulting his students with every chance he got .  And today was one of those days.
" Mr. Thompson is it true that I've heard? " He asked me in front of the whole class right before we get started.
"Yes" I said and my mind start to search for a funny comeback . It was easier now mostly because the past days I was only reading and writing jokes " Nobody likes your haircut!"
The whole class start laughing !

"Excuse me?! " said Mr Davidson with a tone that was more like you better take back what you just said .

"Your haircut is awful... 1992 called and said that it tacky even back then !" I said and stood up . 

He came right in my face and said angrily to go to Mr Black , the director's office . 

The class was still in shock mostly because nobody talked back or bad about Mr Davidson . Not because he was a loving teacher or anything like that .He wrote the best recommendation  letters and had friends in every Ivy League college . Messing with him and not kissing his ass was probably a suicide if your dream was a higher education in those colleges . I didn't have that dream . Not now not ever . I don't believe in flashy schools so I didn't care what he was saying anyway ! But before I go to Black's office I had to be sure that I closed that door once and for all . 

" I'm not going to pass thought that hallway though you should be aware of that..." I said . 

He was still standing a few steps away until he finally came right in my face and leer down my eyes . We were pretty much the same height but he was easily 20  kilos more .

"And why is that ? " he asked me.

" Because there is a picture of you in the hallway and you have the same haircut !" I said and took a lot of steps back . I ran to the door while every classmate of mine was either laughing or trying not to laugh ! 

I went to the director's office . His secretary was reading and writing something . I don't know her name and didn't even bother read it on her desk .  A few minutes I was able to get inside . I told Mr. Black what happened and his answer  was detention and cleaning the school toilets on Friday . That was two days from now . He was incredibly calm and I couldn't understand why though . He walked around the right side of his desk and came to sit opposite me with his butt over the desk . I had never seen him this casual . 

" I heard about the bet . I will not allow you to run in our prom naked . " he said . 

" I won't , I'm going to win " I said with a confident tone . 

"What makes you so sure ? " he asked .

" I don't know ... I haven't done this before but even I fail I would be really proud of it ! This is something that's I've seen and simply to get to know what happens behind the curtain makes it worth fighting . " I said . 

" You're thinking to make a career out of it ? " he asked again . 

" No, God no ! All I want is a little fun ! " I said . 

"When is this thing anyway ?" Black asked .

" About a week and a half from now . To the comedy club . " I said . 

" On the corner of Wilson and the Third? "  he asked again .

"Yes " I answered .  

"I'll be there . " he said and that caught me by surprise.

"Good... Just how did you learn about the bet in the first place ? I mean who told you and whole school is aware but you're not a student how do you know in the first place ?! " I asked . 

" Davidson told me . His mouth is bigger than a black hole ! And if the bet  didn't involve the school in anyway we wouldn't care . But you were yelling right in the middle of the hallway that you will run naked at the prom . That's damn . Even for high schoolers it's completely damn . " He said .  

"So you think I'm an idiot ..." I asked a little confused.

"Yeah , I do . For pretty much all of you here . It's not you it's the hormones in five years from now you will tell yourself the same question I asked mine when I finally go there . Are you ready ? " he asked me . 

"Yes " I said as I was staring  in to his mouth waiting for that question . So far he was honest with me . Black didn't know who the hell I was 20 minutes ago but right now he was ready to drop me some  knowledge . 

"There it is ... How could I be such an idiot?! " he said and moved back to his chair . 

It was a little anticlimactic but I'm sure he meant every word he said . That got me thinking what if he was actually right ? You know about the whole thing as it is .We think we're stuck in a position but we always forget that , in the end of the day we're not fight a war or the Great Depression . We're in high school . Too big for school and to little for life . Stuck in a lace that is as harmful as we would give him the chance . That really got me thinking and I'm finally ready . The jokes the text everything start taking place . I'm starting to feel what I need to say for those five minutes , now it's not about Arnold's cocky attitude . But more about what I need to get out of me !  I've started  running and I'm pretty sure now that nothing can stop me ! 


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