Taking on some inspiration

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We were done after 45 minutes and I had to Math class with Jane . She was a little of today . There was some big quiz coming and she had lost her mind . She was the best in math not only in our class but probably on the whole school yet she wouldn't rest on her laurels. .

"So even though we haven't really begin chapter 9 , I'm already done with it so I'm beginning my revision right now which in almost 11 days earlier before I did last year ..." said Jane with a big passion in her eyes !

" Jane we haven't even start chapter 6 and you're already done ?!  What ever can we please talk about something else, please!?" I said . 

"Sure but can you please though do this a little ..." she said and she moved the thumb on her chin and pretend to rub it .

"Why what do I've got ?" I said and started immediately . 

"Some saliva from all the starring and drooling you did over Annie ...  " she said with a smile in her face . She loves to burn me with punchlines like that "Dude not gonna happen move on ! " 

"I know but it's like window shopping you do that all the time ..." I said a little grumpy. 

"That's wrong for so many reasons , dude either grow some stones and ask her out or stop doing that , it's pathetic !" Jane said.   

"Like you don't drool when that guy , what's his name , gets in our English class ... " I said with a lot irony in my voice !

"Okay first of all his name his Jason and and I don't drool , I simply admire how much patience and determination had to built his body ...! Plus his is already dating that girl Becky from the cheer leading squad . The one with th big breasts ..." said Jane clearly disappointed . 

" Oh I know her and btw you so drool...!" I said to tease her .

We got into class and the day went on and on without a single surprise. Until we got to my favorite art class . It was a blow of class . You walk in you stay quiet and after that that you get an  A ! But there was a guy I hated so much. His name is Arnold . He is short ugly with big blue eyes .He makes fun of me from the day we laid eyes on each other .He called me names about me weight , my height ,and generally everything I had to do or say . I basically changed my whole wardrobe in to dark colors was I would stop giving him ammo . I broke once and hit him really hard . But I got caught and the head master slapped me so hard that every time I think about it my stomach turned . He was also one of the reason I did nothing at school I had no one but Jane mostly because she met me here and she didn't know me before that . Every time  this guy used to see me he made fun of me . And I had the feeling that today wasn't going to be any different  .

"Hey Thompson , you suck !" he said . 

I said nothing  mostly because he was better at me at everything he did . Better student , better athlete , better at pretty much anything he ever did, he did it a lot better that I ever did . His friends were also surrounding him were also close to top of the class but he was number one at pretty much everything . 

The class started immediately.  With the professor Mrs. Williams to go right in the case . We started drawing and going on and on about  a fruit or a bag of fruits . I didn't care . My stuff was crap . But you can guess with ones were astounding as always  . 

"Arnold , your hand is God given gift !" Mrs. Williams said .

" I know but it's not the only one ! I was gifted many gifts ! Hahahahahaha!" said  Arnold with his eyes getting smaller as he laughed. His ugly yet full of confidence face  was telling it all .

As soon as we were free I ran to the gate as I didn't want to give him anything to say to me . I was wrong he and his friends were waiting me at the gate for a final taste . 

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