3. Odds

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A/N: Okay. I am back way too sooner than I was supposed to. A treat for you? 😄 Anyways.. THANK YOU YA ALL! Really. I am really thankful for ya people's encouragement and also by my Insta fam.

Moving on..


"And therefore you thought the solution to your problems would be to break off arrangement with your to-be-fiancé. Which is me. Right?"

"Yes. How could I not? I don't want to be an effing puppet anymore! I want to be independent." Zubiya stated passionately.

"But now knowing that it's me that you are supposed to marry.. do you still want to break off our marriage?" Asfi asked slowly.

Zubiya softly took in a breath and looked down. After a few seconds she finally looked up and directly into his eyes and replied softly, "Yes."

"Even after all those moments that we spent together.. would you still- " Asfi asked again as he bent in his seat towards her

"Yes! I will." Her voice shook as she replied while looking away from his pierceful eyes.

"Wow. What a heartless person you are then. I mean.. you only care about your ego.. your power.. your life.." Asfi said in a sniding tone as he sat back in his seat and stared at her mockingly.

Zubiya stood at once and shouted fiercefully at him. "Excuse me?! You have no idea what you're talking about, alright! You don't know what it feels like- ".

"Like to be ignored? To be unloved? To be spited? Oh, yes. I do know, darling. If you will come out of your little bubble that you have created around you, you will see that you're not the only person on this earth who has shitty parents. Oh. Do you know.. I don't even know who my mother, my real mother is? That I don't even know when my birthday is? I am the result of my father's past mistake. Now, that is what I call screwed up." Asfi ranted angrily as he got up and stood nose-to-nose with Zubiya who almost seemed to be stunned into silence with every passing second as he spoke.

Zubiya gulped as Asfi stared at her. She could feel the rage brewing inside him; the anger; the pain.

"I am sorry." Zubiya finally croaked out and looked away from his penetrating eyes.

"Zubiya.. it's not all about winning or losing. It's about being grateful for the blessings you get and what you have. The loss doesn't matter at all. Zubiya, you are my blessing. The moment I saw you on the train I had an inkling that you were somehow special but I blew it off later. And then a few days later when we met again at the beach and talked for the first time.. I knew you were special. Special for me. Because you are it for me. And then we spent some good time talking... visited places.. made plans.. Almost a month passed and our last day in Thailand came close. I was nervous. Because I didn't want to let go off you yet. On the last day we were lounging at the beach and you kept asking why I seemed so lost. But I had no answer because how could I tell you that I was about to propose you?" Asfi stopped speaking and looked at her stunned expression for a while and then continued again, "And then you had slept off on your chair and I had to postpone it for the next day. But you had already left. Leaving just a short note for me, saying I am sorry. Do you have any idea how painful it was for me reading your sorry excuse of an apology? No. Obviously not. How could you - because you only care about yourself. I got determined to search for you.. but I never in my imagination thought that I would find you here. So close to me. We are fated to be together." Asfi closed the distance between them and ran his fingers through her hair.

"S-Stop!" Zubiya tried to move away but was again grabbed by him.

"No. I have just had enough of you running away. Not again. If you still think you can break off this marriage, then try as much as you can. But trust me, you'll definitely fail because you have got all odds against you. And I am the strongest one."


PS: Happy Reading. Reviews please? What do you like and dislike in this story? And are you liking the flow of the plot?

Love! ♥️♥️♥️

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