9. I need you.

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Trying to blink off her tears she barely managed to walk out back to her car.

He does not want to meet you.

With all hope in her heart that she had mustered up, she had driven all alone to his house the moment she had heard of his arrival.

He couldn't even call her. Because it was his younger brother who had informed her about his arrival. That's probably how much unwanted she was to him.

Another couple months had passed. Almost six bloody months that she had waited. At times she had been very close to hiring a fucking private investigator and tracking him down so that she could fly off to him. But her father had always said that he himself will come to her when it will be time.

Time - her ass!

Time is what she despised the most right now. She shouldn't have waited for these bloody six months, instead she should have flown back to him long ago!

Her heart just wouldn't accept that he was back here and was denying to meet her. No. But it was his step-mother who had given her his message.. Or was she lying?

She shook her head to clear off her thoughts when she finally reached her car.

No. Perhaps she was mistaken. Perhaps..

In frustration, without thinking she hit her left fist against the car window.

Through blurred eyes in slow-motion she watched the glass crack and a few pieces of shards break out, some of them stuck in her left palm and knuckles.

Watching blood seeping out of her left hand, she thought she would feel the burning sensation and pain.

But.. alas! Nada. She felt absolutely nothing. Because at this moment the only thing that was breaking and probably aching a thousand times more than her hand was her heart.

She felt absolutely weak. She felt herself breaking down.. she was just about to hit the ground when she felt someone holding her up by her waist.

She turned swiftly, thinking it was her Asfi. But her heart sank when she realized it wasn't Asfi but his step-brother.

"Zubiya! What on earth have you done? Let me have a look at your hand, please.. " Rehan exclaimed, trying to get a look at her bloodied hand.

"No! Stay away from me! You- your- your brother played with me! Just stay away from me, okay! I am perfectly fine! I have been and I will be! I don't need anyone in my life- I don't!" Shouting at him she stumbled into her car and without glancing back drove away.


"Dude. I really don't know what to say to you. Whatever you are doing.. just don't hurt that poor soul. I can clearly see that she really loves you. And for your information, she just hurt herself awhile back after mother gave her the false information that you said you don't want to meet her. Now it's your duty to take care of the rest situation. I hope you know what you have to do. Best of luck, man. I think you will need it." Rehan spoke into the phone. Not getting any reply he shut his phone and just prayed to Allah for the best.

Because he felt that they really needed some prayers and Allah's blessings in their favor right now.


Stumbling inside the house, she was for once thankful of the absence of her parents. Because she didn't want them to see their daughter fall apart like this.

Because she wanted to show a strong front to everyone. She would die before showing anyone how broken she is. Composure. Yes,  she needs to get back her composure back.

She took a few deep breaths as she stood against her front door.

Not again. Not again will she repeat the same mistake again.

Maybe 'love' wasn't fated to be in her life.

She deserved this.

And if this was her fate... then so be it. She will embrace it with her head held high.

She walked up the stairs slowly, all of a sudden feeling really drained. As she reached her bedroom and touched her door knob to open the door, instead of the cool iron metal, she felt a smooth paper come in contact with her palm. Her heavily hooded eyes became wide when she realized that a sticky note was currently hanging from her door knob.

And it read - I need you. Please save me.

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