8. The Message

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She had never thought that there would come a day in her life when she would be doing this. This.

This is the very first thought that crosses through her head whenever she finished writing another letter to him. Zubiya was sure he was going to roll on the floor laughing his ass off after reading half of what she had written.

Three months is big time for a break, she thought. Three months, Eighty-four letters and exactly Four thousand and two hundred words written to him.


She had made a simple rule to herself. Since, she wasn't so familiar with the concept of 'love' she had decided to start off with something that she was actually familiar with. That is, friendship. Well, she hoped that the olive branch that she was offering would be accepted. He had said that he would accept whatever she would be willing to offer. Hopefully, he will stay by his word.

Because these were the letters that she would be giving to him. And she will be presenting all these letters to him as his welcome home present.

It's been three whole months since he had gone to god-knows-where to clear his head off. When she had contacted him and literally asked.. no, begged him for his whereabouts, still confused over her own actions he had replied in a short text message that she hardly could decipher. It had said -

My wings are a bit rusted now. Will you wait till I get them oiled?

A question. She was angered at first at his reply. She thought, she couldn't understand what his message said but she knew at heart, that he needed some time and was asking for her to wait for him.

Wait. That is something that she will do for sure. Because he was the one for her. Her heart whispered for the millionth time.

No matter how much she refused to think about him in that manner she couldn't stop herself. Her heart craved for him.

Guess it's true then ~ Distance does make the heart grow fonder.

Her heartstrings pulled whenever she thought about how lonely he might be feeling at the moment.. or how he might be coping up with everything...

She had never thought that there would come a day when she would be worried about someone particular. That one day someone would mean a lot to her. But he has brought a hell lot of a change in her life. He has turned her into this.. caring, happy, positive person. And she was loving the change in herself. All because of him.

But she felt her life was still incomplete. And it will not get fulfilled until he comes into her life again and walks straight into her arms. Because this time she will be the one holding them wide open for him.

And she will make sure he doesn't get out of her clutches this time. Shaking her head slightly and smiling at her silly thought, she sighed as she slowly closed the journal that held all her letters safely in.

She will wait for him. Even if it would take him forever to come to her.

Because he is the one for her.

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