11. Happily Ever After

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Two Years Later

Like how every dark night has to end and the sky eventually breaks into a bright day light, similarly in one's life every sadness has to end and finally happiness seeps in.

Just as how their life has overcome darkness, and is now flourishing brightly.

"Zubiya! Here you are! I have been looking for you everywhere!" Asfand exclaimed as he walked cum jogged towards her.

Zubiya turned away from the beauty of the ocean in front of her and towards her husband.

Her husband.

Every time she spelled the word out to herself she felt a warm fuzziness in her belly, that made her want to squeal aloud with happiness and jump on her spot.

Ugh. How cheesy is that? No wonder, two years of living with her husband must have had an effect on her.

But she wasn't complaining. Cue the dreamy smile that spreads on her face until Asfand waves his palm in front of her face.

"Where are you off to? I have been standing here in front of you since five minutes! And yet, you are still smiling at me. Wait. Are you day-dreaming about me?!" Asfand exclaimed at her, his eyes twinkling with mischeviousness.

Zubiya quickly cleared her throat and stammered out, "Um, no. I am absolutely doing no such thing, so do not have any wrong ideas."

"Of-course, you are. It's been almost three months since we have-" Asfand replied before he was cut off by his wife's horrified exclaim.

"ASFAND! We are in public. Please don't start here!" Zubiya begged her husband.

He rolled his eyes at her before swinging an arm around her, bringing her close. He whispered into her ear, his voice seductive, "Tonight will be the night, jaan. I know exactly how you feel."

Zubiya blushed crimson, as she shyly asked back, "But what about-"

"Don't worry, my jaan. It will be taken care of. You deserve this." He replied as they continued walking on the pathway, enjoying the sunset in the same place they had met the very first time.

And now, it was what they called their home.

Zubiya had a tough time leaving behing her parents back in the country but.. home was where Asfand was. It was not as if they didn't come for a visit each month. And now they themselves were planning to shift here as they had a very valid reason now.


Zubiya and Asfand walked into the house to find it empty. And silent.

Zubiya gave Asfand a quizzical look, who shrugged back at her.

Zubiya worriedly walked past the kitchen and towards the door that opened to the hallroom.

The moment she opened the door, she was half - blinded by birthday crackers and shocked as she watched amazedly, her parents, Rehan and his new bride as they sung her "Happy Birthday" as loud as they could.

But her eyes warded off to the one person, she hadn't realized her eyes were longing to see. Her tiny bundle of joy, her baby girl, Anum Raza.

Anum, who was currently fast asleep wasn't much bothered by the ruckus around her. Zubiya knew, nothing in this world could wake her baby girl up before she had her complete sleep. Well, other than her need for milk. In that manner, she sure did follow her father.

Zubiya glanced up at her husband knowingly, who looked down at her sheepishly and hugged her tightly to his side and wished, "Happy Birthday, jaan."

"Thank you" was all she could reply back before she was pulled into embrace by her father.

It maybe odd to see her father more expressive in front of public but time had taught them to never leaf unturned in the concept of feelings. To never leave anything unsaid. To never leave anything not-expressed. Because life is short. And it's worth it.

"Happy Birthday, Zubiya." He wished her and gave her a square-flat box.

"Thank you so much, baba. But this wasn't necessary. Having you and ammi here was enough, baba!" She thanked him and mildly scolded him as well.

Her father raised his both palms as he said, "Don't start on me. It was your mother who insisted. She said something about your first birthday after Anum's birth."

Zubiya rolled her eyes at him before she walked off to greet Rehan and his wife.

As she held baby girl later that night while having her dinner with her family she felt content. She chuckled softly as Asfand made another sarcastic jab at his brother.

Boys. Always trying to work each other up whenever they could get the chance. But they were like this. No one could really decipher that they were step-brothers. Because they weren't. They are real brothers at heart no matter what.

It made her really proud of her boys.

The only thing that she sometimes felt sad about was the fact that her in-laws did'nt know of their granddaughter, or if they did they didn't want to meet her.

Asfi keeps on reminding her that some things are just not meant to be. And if it is, then it is yet to happen.

Even though Asfand was the most unexpected object in her life, she thanked Allah every single day for sending him into her life.


The End.

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