This is Masterpiece

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The incident happened again. This time the police got a call. They recovered pieces of someones body. It is in an underground parking. Hugo slid from his house the crime scene immediately. Once he got off the car, one officer guided him. It cant be denied. This time Hugo tried to keep his anger in check.

Hugo investigate at the evidence, feet displayed on the wall. The umpteenth time he saw pieces of human bodies, but he never got used to it. The legs attached to the iron and decorated with flowers. This time it was a red poppy.

Sorry make you wait. Philip appears with the camera he is carrying. Soon the camera was used to take photos of the evidence.

Do you think those are Jenna Foleys legs? Hugo asked.

Philip keeps the camera away from his face. "Maybe." The answer is not sure. "If so, that hand belongs to that poor girl too."Philip resumed his activities. Hugo drew closer to those legs after his partner finished taking the photo.

Are you done, Phil? Hugo looked at him.

Yep, I got the picture. So, what are we going to do now?

Wait for the results of autopsies, they say it will take a long time because the fingerprints have been burned.

Hell, how can we wait while the killer wanders around.

Be patient, Phil, we can get it all done. We shouldnt be rash.

Philip looked closely at Hugo. He had a point, it would be pointless if they were reckless. Philip sighed and walked backward while reviewing the photos he had taken.

"Let's go back to headquarters." Hugo patted Philip's shoulder.

James walked back through the streets he knew every day. Every turn, alley, and even the color of the building he memorized in detail. As for the dog, he was never worried. Mary takes good care of the dog so that she has time to do something else.

The crowd made James look away. He stopped, noticing a couple of police cars in a building he remembered as an office. James curiosity stirred. He wanted to see what was there. Unlike usual, this time the crime scene did not attract much attention. Maybe because it located underground. Moreover, the police will have more ability to carry out investigations.

What happened? James asked the stranger standing beside him.

Oh, I heard they found a leg. His whisper made James put his ear as close as possible, so that the mans voice could be heard.

I heard it too. They also found hands. James replied.

The man nodded. The news is everywhere. I heard rumors that the culprit is the same person who did it seven years ago.

The police must have suspected the same thing. James glanced up. Perhaps Louis wants to solve this case. Wouldnt it be better if they just kept the case out?

James looked around when his eye caught a suspicious figure. He tilted his head, gazed to see that person. He was wearing a coat that covered his entire posture. He wears sunglasses. The distance was too far to make James unable to see his face clearly. The man realized that James was staring at him, retreated slowly, disappearing into the crowd. James was stunned on the spot.

Philip stopped abruptly when he saw a familiar figure. Philip raised his camera, took the picture as fast as he could, because the man was looking at him.

Who else did you photograph, now? Hugo folded his arms across his chest. Philip looked back at his camera, shocked.

Isnt he James?

Hugo pulled out the camera, glaring. You are right.

Hugo searched the swarming crowd of civilians and journalists. James was there, trying to find an opening, avoiding the crowd. Whats he doing here? Philip asked, but Hugo had already disappeared.

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