The Truth is Revealed pt.3

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"Is he lost?"

"Which part you don't understand about James's, he's really missing this time." Louis glared. He knew that Earnest trying joking, but now Louis is not in the mood for that shit. Earnest's cheerful face turns serious.

"Last time I checked, James missing for seven years and you don't even care at all. Then why do you guys look care now?"

"Because he is in danger." Karin spoke up. Louis dropped his gaze. He totally blames himself. "This is totally my fault."

"I'm not blaming you." Louis clenched his fist.

They felt silent for a moment.

Karin shifted uncomfortably in her chair, made Earnest looking at her, knowing something was not right. She wants to tell something.

"Karin, I can tell you want to tell me something, talk. I know you're close to him." Karin titled her head to face Earnest. He's waiting.

"We want to open James's laptop password." Karin handed the laptop forward Earnest. He paused. There's a visible doubt in his eyes. "Well, that not possible."

"Why?" Karin asked.

"You know, a long time ago, I like to give James a cruel joke several times." Karin and Louis staring at each other.

"Bully was the best part sometimes. But actually I bully him because he's a geek dick before we become a best friend. I always try to steal his laptop because he seems to always hide something from me."

"But one day I got tired and ask him kindly to borrow his laptop. He agreed because my laptop broken."

"I got curious when there is a password folder. I try broke it and takes two fucking days to do it." Karin and Louis glared, "Two days!" They shouted in unison.

"Is he insane or what?" Louis said.

Earnest smirked. "He's the mysterious guy, I can say. Be keeps all his secrets here." Earnest tapped the laptop. "Maybe he looks like ordinary people, but inside it's like something else. You guys don't know why I gave The Lone Wolf nickname to him, don't ya?"

"You gave him that nickname?" Karin asked. Earnest nodded.

"Yeah, because he was like walking in the dark alone. No one can touch him like a wolf. I was fucking curious." Earnest put on a brief smile.

But their conversation off the track. Louis got annoyed. "Can we back to this 'code' part? Can you break the code?" Louis looks impatient. Ernest leaning in his chair.

"Of course I can, but it takes time. Three until five days maybe, depend on how complicated the code is to solve."

"It's too long, Nest. We need it right now."

"Hey! can you tell, I'm a prisoner here." Earnest stuck out his hand, showing the handcuffs. Louis got up and left the room. He needs to talk to someone about this. "Karin, wait here." Louis said from the doorway then disappeared down the hall.

"He's always like that." Earnest whispered to Karin. She blinked and clear her throat.

"Um... can you do it now? Open the password."

"You're the one who seems impatient here, lady." Earnest teases Karin to make her blush. Ernest types.



"He's not even give an advance." That's new.

"So, you can speed up the process then."

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