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After I described the surroundings to Naida she stated she knew exactly of where I was talking about. I dressed, brushed my teeth and hair and soon after, we glamoured ourselves.

Naida changed her appearance to a young woman that looked to be in her teens. She had long black hair and high cheekbones. Her slightly slanted blue eyes changed to oval and her usually full lips thinned to almost a straight line. Her arms and cheeks became fuller, her dress filled out and while, she didn't look unhealthy, she did gain considerable weight.

"Don't think of a specific person," she told me. "Think of features only. Hair color, facial structure. But remember, we want to blend in."

I thought of short black hair close to my ears, full cheeks, and full lips. My nose shrunk a bit and when I looked in the mirror I didn't recognize myself.

"Why can't I change my eye color?" I asked.

"None of us can," Naida explained. "Eye color never changes."

Naida grabbed my smaller hands and immediately we spectered.

When I first saw a vision of where Kymra could be it was cloudy. Like watching a scene through frosted glass. The sounds were muffled, the colors dull but I was able to make out the architecture, the Roman-like dark columns, the different booths and vendors.

Apparently, there was only one place like it nearby.

As soon as we arrived at a bazaar in Anant I felt an overwhelming dread settle over me. There were vendors with colorful different flowers, others with fragrant spices. Some sold food with enriching aromas that carried through the warm air. It was crowded too with more people than I'd seen since we went to Isma in Tartus. They all huddled inside the bazaar, crowding inside as if they were looking at something happening.

I could see the panic on Naida's face. "He might be glamoured but if he sees us, he might just stop and go with us." She looked at the crowd gathering inside. "I bet you he's in there somewhere." She growled. "I'm going to kill him for this." She grabbed my hand. "Come on."

Naida elbowed herself through the crowd using brute strength to get us inside. We continued to look but the sea of people around us made it impossible to search each face. Even as I watched everyone I got lost in the dizzying motion.

I shook my head as Naida turned to me. "I can't find him. This is impossible." I bit my lip. "What else can we do?"

Naida looked at the crowd. "Let's split up. We will meet at the entrance in five minutes. Just grab him and go."

I nodded and she turned, making her way through the crowd again.

I went the other way, trying to find any indication of him.

My heart pounded, my hands were sweating. What would drive him to do something so stupid? Why wouldn't he get me? Why would he leave me without saying anything?

I made up my mind that as soon as I saw him, I'd punch him in the gut as hard as I could for leaving me.

If Damien really was dead ... and I lost Julian too ...

Suddenly, something pulled me.


As if a strong invisible wall was pushing me into a doorframe. The harder I fought, the harder it pushed until I fell into a small room. Everything crashed around me as I tried to grab onto a nearby tablecloth on a table to stop my fall. The noise of the crowd died as soon as I was inside. I took the red faerie fabric off of me and looked around. It was a small empty shop that seemed to hold all sorts of gold pieces from pots and pans, to jewelry and exotic fabric.

Saving the King of the Underworld | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now