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There was nothing I could do to calm down even hours after I'd spoken to Robyn. I paced around my room after my shower, unable to do anything except wring my hands.

There had to be something I could do. Anything that would make seeing my parents a bad idea.

But I'd practically begged Damien to let me see my parents again after he rescued me. I'd fought him on how I had to stay in the Underworld. Now that I had my chance to see them again, I would have jumped at the chance.

If I backed out now, would he suspect?

Would he know that something was amiss?

Of course, he would. I'd put them in more danger than if I just showed up and played Robyn's games.

Unless he already knew.

And if that were true ...

I couldn't drag my feet anymore. I had to save Damien.

With no time to lose, I made it out of the room and marched down the hall to where I knew Damien would be. His study was where he said he'd stay most of the day to look after important matters.

As I marched into the room, I didn't find him.

Instead, I found Asmodeus.

Damien's study was so distinctly Damien, it hurt. There were large windows along the far wall. Between the windows, there was a large desk with papers and knick-knacks strewn about the top. The other walls were decorated with statues and busts. Bookshelves lined one of the walls full of books and board games from our childhood.

Asmodeus stood between the desk and window, his dark silhouette stark against the light of the day.

"Jeans and a t-shirt," Asmodeus tsked. "How unbecoming of a queen."

I pushed the door to the study shut behind me and crossed my arms. "Since you're so concerned with appearances maybe you should get a doll to play dress up with instead."

His laugh was soft. "I'll play with you soon enough, beloved. Don't you worry about that."

I felt a rise of indignation within me. "If you ever touch me, I swear to every god I've ever heard of, you will regret that stupid bargain."

He really laughed this time. "Somehow, I doubt that." He finally looked at me. "Damien is not here. He left on an errand."

I crossed my arms and approached him. "Why are you in here looking through his things?"

"Looking for clues," he said as he looked through an open drawer in his hand. He slowly closed it. "Whatever he is planning, he took half of the Guard with him leaving this space unprotected." He shrugged. "I thought it'd be a good place to start looking for clues on his actions." He looked at me again, his dark eyes watched me as he leaned down to get a closer look at the contents of the drawer. "Since you're so keen on dragging this little dance out between the three of us, I thought I'd do my duty and jump at an opportunity to actually stop him."

"That's why I'm here," I said, my arms falling to my sides. "I was going to find a way to stop tonight's plans."

He tilted his head and walked around the desk. "How will you do that?" He leaned against the desk, his long legs crossing in front of him. He looked me up and down - the intention was so predatory it made my skin crawl. "Unless you have a dagger hidden in that shirt of yours?" He snorted as he crossed his arms. "Doubtful." He looked at me with amusement and after a moment, he spoke again. "So, what was your plan?"

I crossed my arms again. "None of your business, that's what." I didn't have a plan but he didn't know that. "After last night, I'm not telling you anything you can use against me."

Saving the King of the Underworld | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now