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Song: Beautiful Hell - Adna

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I watched the windchime above me as it shimmered in the setting sun's rays. The light danced through the colored frosted glass throwing a rainbow of color across the patio. I closed my eyes letting the soft music it produced in the wind take me away.

"We're not done yet," Julian's voice shook me.

I turned over and placed a hand on the hard floor, pushing myself up.

I was tired. So, so tired.

I needed sleep.

And rest.

I had another nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep. I didn't leave my room, choosing to practice on my own with the little I'd learned so far. It was unsuccessful. I barely had a spark of magic in my hands before I just gave up and made my way to the kitchen to make myself breakfast instead.

The sun was barely out when I caught Julian in the study having a drink. His back was to the center of the study. His hands rested on the small table on the side wall with different glasses and decanters filled with alcohol. His shoulders were hunched over, unmoving like he was standing in that position for a while in thought. His fingers gripped the table so tightly his knuckles turned white.

He was impeccably dressed in the heavy jacket just as he had been the other morning. Had he been summoned again?

Despite not making any noise, he turned. "You're awake."

I nodded. "I don't sleep anymore."

He nodded towards something behind me. "Let's get some breakfast and we can begin for today."

And he was merciless.

To the point that I regretted wanting to train as hard as I did. But then I remembered Damien and felt my sense of purpose renew.

"Come now, Emylin, stand up."

I watched him through the curtain of silver hair that fell over my face.

"Good," he said with a small nod. I could see his own exhaustion in his face, though his body didn't sway like mine did. "You're angry. Use that anger."

I felt my ankle buckle slightly as I stood to full height but ignored it. He didn't.

He shook his head when he noticed. "We need to stop for today."

I shook my own head. "No." I felt a familiar surge within me. It built within my core then expanded to my arms. I directed my hands towards him as he instructed and released it in his direction.

He deflected quickly and moved away.

Trust my instincts, he told me.

So I did.

I willed myself to appear behind him.

I recognized the call of power as it flowed through me and just when I was about to release it to appear behind him, it faltered. I didn't appear behind him. Instead, I appeared beside him. He didn't hesitate and moved. His hand grabbed my wrist and pulled it behind me. On instinct, my leg shot out and with as much strength as I could muster aided by some magic, I pulled his leg with mine and we both fell.

I braced for the impact of the floor, dreading it, wishing I could at least land on something softer than the mat Julian had laid out during training.

We didn't fall into the cushioned mat we stood on like I thought. Instead, we both fell into the backyard pool. Without meaning to, I somehow sucked water into my lungs. Julian let me go quickly and I swam to the top, taking a large gulp of air when I broke the surface.

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