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I took Julian's hand.

And when I did I felt something course through me. It was an immediate need to completely trust him. It was inexplicable. It completely washed over me making my heart swell and my cheeks flush.

My head wasn't so easily convinced.

I pinned it on desperation.

Yes, I was desperate. Desperate for someone that wanted to genuinely help me save Damien. Kymra, despite having thrown me off the balcony hadn't let me down before. She knew what was at risk, she knew the consequences if I stayed knowing that Robyn had possessed Damien.

She saved my life. She was saving my parents' lives too.

'He's a good King. It's why I will lay my life down for him and protect him until my dying breath,' she'd told me.

And I believed her.

And if she trusted Julian, I'd give him some of my trust, too.

He led the way through the dark forest, with a small amount of light cradled in his hand to light the way. While the different colored sprites did illuminate the inky darkness around us, the small light illuminated the rest.

I followed through the trees, careful of the upturned roots, carefully avoiding anything that looked like it could move.

"Why were you there that night?" I whispered to his back.

He turned towards me, the small light in his hand casting stark shadows against his features.

I remembered the black hair, the storm grey eyes. He had a small amount of stubble now growing on his chin and cheeks.

"I have my reasons," he said smoothly. "But don't for one second think I was going to join Robyn's forces. I am not that stupid."

I shook my head. "I need to know. Why were you there?"

He had turned back to continue but stopped again. After a moment of silence, he answered. "There was a rumor of a new Queen." He looked towards me behind him but didn't turn. "I wanted to meet her."

I shuddered but it wasn't because of the wind that happened to pick up at that moment. I'd be happy if I never heard that title ever again. I tried to remember the conversations from that night. "You're a lord?"

"Unfortunately," he said slowly as he continued forward. "I am."

I frowned.

"Lords and Ladies are the keepers of their regions in the Underworld. They keep a closer eye for the King." He sighed and turned towards me. "Look, I will tell you everything soon but first, we must make it far enough away that we won't set off the protections of the Keep when we specter the hell out of here."

"Specter?" I asked.

"Yes," he said as he turned and continued on his way. "The ability to use magic to appear in different places at will. Not all Fae can do it, only the ones with the most power. I can do it, the king can as well as you, in time."

"Specter," I echoed as I followed behind him.

Never once did Damien correct me. Transporting is what I'd called it - like we were in a damn episode of Star Trek. I probably sounded like a moron every time I said it. For a moment, I wondered if I said the same phrase to anyone else at the Keep.

I probably sounded like a moron then, too.

Instantly, his name clicked. "Julian..."

He stopped and turned to me again.

Saving the King of the Underworld | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now