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We followed Oren through the dizzying halls to the Throne Room, Azazeal trailing behind.

I tried to quiet my nerves, wondering why Damien needed to see the two of us privately. Had Asmo spoken to him already?

"What is that squeaking?" Julian sounded annoyed, looking around the large hall we walked in. "It's following us everywhere."

"Oh," I cleared my throat. "I'm wearing sneakers."

Julian looked confused. "What?"

As we turned the corner, I recognized the large double doors of the Throne Room and the two guards standing next to them.

I paused and lifted my skirts to my ankle to show Julian my shoes. "They're converse."

Julian's face went from confusion to amusement. "Sneakers." His smile grew and before I knew it, he was in full laughing fit in front of me.

I crossed my arms as I watched him. "What's so funny?"

He barely caught his breath before laughing wholeheartedly again.

I rolled my eyes and followed Oren to the doors.

"No, wait," Julian gasped. "Emylin, hold on."

I turned but he laughed again, even louder.

"You surprise me," he gasped again. "Every single time. Sneakers! Sneakers!"

I took a deep breath through my nose and Oren eyed me, waiting for my go ahead to give the guards the command to open the door. I didn't turn back. "Are you done, Julian?"


I looked at Oren and nodded. "He's done. Open the doors, please."

He placed a hand on my shoulder and laughed as I turned to him. "You're amazing."

"And you're incredibly condescending."

The doors opened and I went down the aisle towards Damien where he waited by the thrones. The doors shut behind Julian leaving the rest of the group outside.

Damien had his hands behind his back as he stood next to the tallest throne, his hair hanging over his impossible colored eyes. He smiled as I approached and I smiled back.

Maybe Asmo hadn't spoken to him then...

The doors closed behind us echoing in the large chamber. It almost drowned out the humming I was hearing throughout the room. It was celestial, calming.

Damien caught me staring at the large throne as it sang to me.

He extended a hand. "Come on, it gets quieter once you touch the stone."

I met him at the top of the platform with the thrones as Julian stayed behind. When he took my hand, he placed it on the large chair. The cold stone was instantly soothing. His hand didn't move from over mine and I realized he took the right hand, the one with the ring. Damien was right, it instantly quieted as soon as I touched it.

"Amazing," I murmured. I looked at him.

He was smiling. His eyes looked up at the aisle again. "Lord Julian, thank you for coming."

Julian, despite being one of the ones to sign the document that made me queen bowed deeply. "Alteazor."

I looked at a small table that had never been in the room before. The top of it had a beige document over it with ornate writing and a large seal over the top.

Damien went down the steps of the platform where we stood and met Julian in the aisle. "First, I want to express my deepest condolences on the passing of your parents."

Saving the King of the Underworld | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now