Three years later...

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So it turns out i took after my mom...well more then my dad, but no one really knows that...because i act and behave like shikamaru was in the anime. Because, I might as well so i don't change things to much, though I'm pretty sure changes were made because of me. Like, i mean for one thing, i know one of their future, second, I'm an outsider from another world who was reborn as one of the smartest person in his generation. Another, i know things, i can stop stuff from happening if it stays the same. Which i don't know if it will...but i gotta try because, to tell you the truth, man those people lives suck, I'm not meaning it as offensive, I'm just speaking the truth.

Their lives are horrible, they suck, it could have been changed, only if someones willing to do it, i want their lives to be better, I'm willing to change stuff for that to happen. I would like to think i can get this all done without being noticed or something but...yeah I'm not that confident in myself...I'm not smart, but I'll try...if only for their lives to be a bit better...

...I wonder if i will risk my life for this and end up that's something i have to think about and consider what i should do at that time and before...well lucky I've already been training for a few body can't handle too much but it can handle four hours of training before anyone wakes up...unless they get up at 12:00 a.m. that is....well time to head back before they wake up...

~at home~

I sneaked back into my room, hiding my chakra. I changed clothes and got in bed....'there's a few things i got from my dad, and this is one of them.' i thought as i fell asleep within a minute...

~two hours later~

"SHIKAMARU GET UP! IT'S TIME FOR BREAKFAST!" mom yelled as i shot up out of bed. Bags underneath my eyes as i only had two hours of sleep.

...So tired...maybe i should just sleep and not get up tonight...depends on my mood i guess or if i feel like it, after all i go with my feelings on things....hmm...that's got me thinking...should i change the the routine...

Ugh..breakfast here i come..

~time skip~

So yeah...i just found out that I'm the youngest in this generation...i did not expect that but then again, like i thought, changes have been made because of me. Hinata also hasn't been almost kidnapped when she turned three...i think that was her age in the anime and almost kidnapped...right now, I'm younger than all of them by almost a year, which shocked me because i thought naruto was the youngest or supposed to be. It annoys me that I'm still the youngest in this...i guess some things can't be changed even after dying and getting reborn.

So...if hinata hasn't been kidnapped...who will? What if there won't be a kidnaping? What if there will and since i don't know who it will be, i have to prepare. What if it will be naruto? What if it's sasuke or one of the heirs of some other clan?....Awwwww man this many thinking to do and to prepare....what am i supposed to do? Well at least my dad brought me to the park....i guess i can think here if i don't run into someone unexpected...but knowing my luck, i probably will...

So i started looking around, i didn't see anything out of the norm except that sunshine of hair over there with loneliness around that area....wait...what? I look back over and did a double! Aw man i don't think i was ready for this so soon...

...But...i can't just watch as he sits there all by reminds me of...well my past life...i was so lonely...even when talking to other people...even when i sat with other people, it was lonely, they didn't look at me a second time nor spoke to me unless i spoke to them. I was never around family, even though i lived with some, i don't like how they look at me when i came out of my room. As soon as i walked out, everyone just stares, it unnerves me. It made me wary, even though i probably shouldn't in my home...people also called me names, ignored me, bullied me, even my own cousin called me soulless despite my emotions...they laughed at me when i fell down stairs when i could have gotten seriously injured...

...So lonely...all alone...i don't want to see it happen to other people...this is why i have decided to do it...i walk over to naruto. He slowly looks up as i walked over. He looked sad, hurt, and i don't know...angry...i guess...well here goes nothing.....

"Hi, my name is shikamaru. What's your name?" i asked as his eye's widen in surprise and disbelief.

It also had a hint of hope, relief, confusion, and worry..."Oh uh, my name is naruto..naruto uzumaki..." he said with a hint of hesitation..

...naruto...i won't leave you alone unless it's important or to protect you and the others..."Nice to meet you naruto, do you want to play a game?" i asked. Right now I'm not acting like i should be, but...naruto doesn't know how the men in my clan act. He might be hurt or offended by my usual talking...that's why I'm talking like i did in my first life. I just hope i don't end up offending him by accident...but...knowing my luck...i might end up doing I'll tell him in a bit...

His eyes brighten up with relief and happiness, "Yes! What game should we play?" he asked. I thought about it for a second before deciding, "how about hide and seek?" i asked, i chose it because we need to be able to hide before we even know how to hide our chakra. It would be a good advantage against those who can't sense chakra and all that stuff...especially against an enemy..."Ok!...Whose hiding first?" he asked me. Hmm...i think he should hide first, so i can try and sense him using chakra, it might be hard or not. He does have a lot of chakra..."How about you hide first, I'll count to ten and yell out ready or not, here i come. That is when I'll look for you." i said, his eye's sparkle with joy at having a friend. He nods his head really quickly as he dashes off....he didn't even let me close my eye's...oh well...

I close my eyes and started counting, " or not, here i come!" i shouted as i started to try and sense where he was, still with my eye's closed. A few seconds later and i pin-point his location, knowing where he was immediately. I didn't go off in his direction yet, i opened my eye's and pretended to look for him in other spots..i slowly started heading in his direction, still pretended to look, then i look in his spot. I didn't see him, i feel around for him, then i looked up after i heard a small laugh. There he was laughing as he clung to the tree.

"Found you." i said in a passive tone, he stops laughing almost immediately, he looked at me with surprise in his eye's as he gets down from the tree. "How did you know i was up here?" he asked with a hint of confusion. I was prepared to answer. "It was one of the only spots i haven't looked in, i also heard you laughing at me..." i said as he a an 'O' expression on his face. "That makes sense...ok my turn!" he said in excitement. He dashed off again, i went to go hide as i heard him start counting. After he finished and began to look for me, i moved everytime after he checked in the area i was in....what? Don't look at me like that! No one said we couldn't move! Just to hide from the seeker! After a while he found me, "How are you so good at hiding?" he ended up asking me after a few rounds. I shrug my shoulders. We played a little more before my dad came to get me...

Naruto looked heartbroken to see his first friend go. "Dad? Can naruto come with us? For tonight? Can he stay over?" i asked as naruto had a hint of hope now.  My dad looked deep in thought before he nodded his head. I relaxed my tensed shoulders as they had tensed up in reflex. Naruto brighten up again, we ended up at home at eat and went to my room where we both fell asleep.

The only reason why i made another chapter because someone asked for an update...even though it took me a while, i was able to update after ignoring my other stories that aren't on hold...i hope you like and enjoy this update as i might take a long time for another on this and the others...well...
ja ne~!

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