kidnapped....for awhile...

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This was the first time i slept in, though i was wide awake, just pretending to sleep, i felt better, a lot felt so great, that i actually got up way before my mom was up and making breakfast. So I'm going to turn four in a few days, it doesn't excite me at all because of my past, but man i can't wait to turn another year old. Birthdays i guess can excite me because i get to invite anyone i want. Of course I'm inviting all the clans, i might or should end up meeting all of the heirs to the other clans, i also heard of the treaty of kumo and they will be sending someone and it should start around my birthday.

This gives me the chance, if i can get all the clan heirs to stay over in one of the rooms, i can protect them just in case. I will stay awake for most of the night and when it begins to be morning where my parents are awake, i could sleep if i wanted. So i am somewhat prepared, my clan is the nara clan after all, our deers won't allow trespassing, unless they somehow managed to get over, then our clans should help...somewhat...but...who might be kidnapped? Will there be a kidnapping? I don't know those answers, which is why i prepared a little just in case...

I went outside, sitting down on the grass as the deer come up and surround me. They lay down after i did as well, i stared up at the sky, waiting for my parents to wake up and notice I'm not in my room. After a while, i heard or more like felt my parents stir and get up. Some minutes later i felt my parents chakra flare up in surprise and panic as the finally sensed or noticed i wasn't in my room. Then it calms down after i felt their chakra over me. My dad comes out and surprise is in his chakra, my mothers lits up in worry and confusion. I slowly sit up and look over to my dad, who started walking over almost immediately.

The deer noticed this and got up and moved a bit. My dad comes over and picks me up. He heads back in as i look over his shoulders and wave a good bye to the deer. He goes in and my mom was already making us something to eat. He puts me down and head towards his usually spot to sit at. I almost rolled my eyes at how he was somewhat showing how he cared and a bit protective of me.

~time skip to three days later~

So i got my parents to invite them all and naruto...what did you all think i wasn't going to invite him because i was inviting the other clans? Well you guessed wrong. Naruto is my first friend after all...they all came in at different times, naruto was already here because we went and got him earlier before all of this. We were sitting, they each wished me a happy birthday and brought presents. After a while us kids went out to play outside.

"Shikamaru!" two voices shouted as i was tackled to the ground. I looked to see who it was, it was ino and choji. I met them a while back, some time after meeting naruto. I sighed, "troublesome..." i said as naruto gave me a look of confusion. I winked in his direction and he then had an understanding look on his face. I knew that he knew that i have on a mask around just about everyone except him.

We all played and got to know each other before one of them asked if they could spin the night over. Yes! My plan is somewhat working...then they all wanted to spin the night over. We went inside and all went to their parents to ask if they could. Naruto was sticking with me as i walked to my parents. "Can they stay the night over if their parents let them?" i asked my parents as they shared a look before nodding their heads to my question. The others were allowed to stay over as well, but their parents wanted to stay with their children or at least close to them. They were allowed to as their other clan members left towards their homes.

All of us went to my room and stayed up for a little. Playing games and all that before we were told to go to bed. We all went to our beds. Everyone but me and the adults fell asleep immediately. I closed my eye's and made my chakra feel like the others, as if i was asleep. But i wasn't, i was waiting to see if i was correct on the kidnapping...after a while of sensing nothing after everyone else went to bed. I started falling asleep, but i kept myself awake. But i couldn't stay awake any longer and fell asleep.

~time change to three hours later~

I woke up, something was wrong..but what? I get up and looked around, frowning as i did so. What wrong...i don't see anything out of the norm. But then i realized i should try and sense something that was setting me off. I closed my eyes, then i immediately sensed the problem. I froze, he's here...very close to me...right...and then i took off. Then i was picked up and a hand covered my mouth. Shit...i didn't expect this to happen..."don't even speak a word...unless you want me to kill your it?" the person said as i nodded my head. They let go off my mouth. They started walking away as i looked towards the others. No one was missing...were they after me? Ok i thought they would be after one of the others, not me...that changed my plans...

Then i saw movement and looked, shit...naruto...why did you have to wake up? Well at least the other two haven't noticed as i now noticed that naruto was waking up. They tied my wrist together with rope. He looks over as they put tape over my mouth. Naruto's eyes widen in surprise and shock as he looked over at me. His mouth opened to say something as i shoot him a glare to keep his mouth shut. He shuts it, panic and horror in his eye's, i just and give him a message with my expressions. I think he understood as he waited for us to leave the room. We did and i almost let out a sigh in relieve...but i couldn' because i have tape over my mouth and the other was it would probably give something away...

They started heading out, with me over his shoulders.'s uncomfortable...a few minutes later and i sensed my dad and a lot of others i didn't recognize and i did recognize half of them...they were the other parents...the guy holding me stiffens up as the other heads back to keep them away for as long as possible. The guy carrying me goes even faster as the other guy was defeated...and they came even closer. This guy stopped as he was surrounded, my dad quickly looked over at me and his expression gave way to an angry and overprotective dad. The lights were on because we ended up stopping at the park know had lights shining on...

The guy carrying me moves me in front of him and holds something to my neck. I didn't recognize it for a second before i did as it was still pressed into my was a kunai knife...they all tensed up. My dad moves his hands to behind his back and i knew my dad was going to use was kagemane no jutsu. The guy froze and my dad started walking and the guy started walking. My dad does some stuff and then I'm in his hands with no rope or tape. He holds me tight and turns around and walks away. I see the guy do the same thing before he's tied up and everything.

After a while we finally went back. I saw my mom and next to her were all the others kids were waiting. Most of them half asleep on their feet. A few did fall asleep and just woke up. naruto did get the message and went to my parents. My dad and mom didn't let go of me that night. We all went in one room together and slept there. My mom and dad holding me between them as we all went to sleep....except the adults who were awake and holding their children...i knew it was going to come out and what happened a while ago...but until then, it's peaceful for now...i guess i should sleep now....

AMG! I finally finished! A day after finishing the second one! How awesome is that! Except i won't publish this one for a while. Now I'm going to ignore this and try and update my other stories that aren't on hold. Be glad that someone asked for an update or i wouldn't have even done it for a long time. So thank that person for the first chapter who asked...if it's not deleted by the time you read

Ja ne~!¥

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