Close to the chunin exam...

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Ah it's almost time for the chunin exam, I think we have a few more weeks before it actually starts now, my team was mostly the same as it was in the anime, though we accidentally went on like either a B or A rank mission because even the hokage wasn't given all the information that was needed, we were just supposed to help guard this woman back to her home village, we got attacked and we had to defend ourselves.

Our Sensei was a quite angered at the woman for not mentioning this and it should have been someone else who was supposed to do this since it was out of our league or something like that.

I didn't exactly pay attention to that but to the woman expression at the time.

So that's one of the things that has been changed because of me.. the good news is that we are still alive and mostly unharmed. I also got to train more and fight an actual fight against someone.

Though i didn't recognize the person i fought against, it might have been because he was never seen in the actual anime or wasn't even supposed to be here or something similar to that. I'm not exactly sure though.. but i'll think about it more later and now i should focus on training myself for the chunin exam..which will be starting soon..maybe I should have all three genin teams get together and train?

Hmm.. that's an idea I should put into action some time soon since the chunin exam will be starting soon and I believe I've seen some other ninjas from other villages already..

So i headed over to talk to my sensei about getting all the Genin teams to train together. He thought for a few seconds and agreed to ask the others to train their teams together and to switch it up so we will work with people we weren't used to.

The others had agreed to that and I hid a smile. We are all going to have to work together and learn to understand each other. I thought. It should help us in the near future or another time.

Because they really need it, they should learn to get along faster and earlier then that time. We also need to get stronger, even though I'm pretty sure I'm the strongest one right now.

The only ones that can match up to me is Sasuke, lee, and Neji. Those are the only ones besides maybe naruto because I got him to train with me a few times.

So now all I have to do is wait for a while. Ah the war between us will start soon, I'm going to have to fake a few deaths until the time is right.. I thought as I walked around, searching for that person who died before the war started.

Ah what was his name again? I think it starts with a g? I don't remember but I need to find him, especially when he finds out about the war that will happen and will end up dying because no one found him and I will find him and treat him to the best of my ability since I learned how to be a medic ninja as well because I asked my mom if I could learn that so if anyone got hurt on the team, I could heal them and all.

So I learned a lot about that, including poison and antidotes. So I'll be able to heal him and keep him in my house, I'll have him stay under for a while and heal him. But I will wake him up to eat and all that stuff.

I could leave the blood though, that means that someone got hurt but the body isn't there. It will take them awhile to find him if I allow it, because if it's an enemy ninja who is trying to find the body, then I won't leave any traces.

If it's one of allies, then I will allow a small trace for them to track. Only they will know where to check if they see the small image. I grinned, yep i may not be as smart as the really shikamaru, but I can be pretty smart when needed to be.

Though I may not be that smart, I can be pretty sure I can get around some things other people would have trouble with and very soon the chunin exams will start and then I'll have to be on the look out for him.

Because I don't know when everything will exactly starts to happen, because the anime was like shortened on that. In here, as this is real life, it can be anytime from tomorrow to a few weeks up to a month or longer to start.

So I have to be careful and keep an eye on things. I'll have the deers helping me keep an eye on things as well. Because my deers are pretty smart and know what to do and will come and get me if they see anything wrong.

Since I have a few spewed out in the areas I think one of us will end up at injured because where it was in the anime doesn't say much to where he will be here. So I'll have to keep an eye out so that he doesn't die.

It might take a while though since I'm the anime time makes it look like not much time went by before things really started but this is real life. So time is more different here, it can be between anywhere from a few months to weeks before anything really actually happens.

So I'll wait, but first I need to do some things to make sure all of the leaf nin stay alive before and after the chunin exam. Now all I need to do is wait.

I finally finished! With 998 words now. I don't think it was that greet of a chapter but it's been a long time since I last updated this so here it is. Well hope you all like and comment what you think about this chapter. Until next time. Ja ne~!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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