i...somehow got a boyfriend...troublesome...

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...somehow i got a boyfriend...naruto asked me out and i said yes without thinking...troublesome...why did i answer without thinking!? Why did i have to be an idiot!? Ugh...how am i going to do this? I didn't want to date just yet because it's troublesome to do so..with all the different things couples usually did and all...somehow I'm going to get him to either fall in love with another person or make him see I'm just not right for him...but how am i going to do that? I don't want to hurt his feelings...he is my friend and I'm his first friend... so...how am i going to do this? Since he does know me quite well and all...i know he's probably going to ask me on a date sooner or later...but when? Oh well...I'll just have to wait for a while to see what naruto actually does since...you know...he's unpredictable and all. He's never really...does things other people do but then again...with how my life is right now...can i say that I'm predictable? I'm not really sure...maybe if someone answered me when i ask a question then i would know my answer...right to whoever is currently reading this? Ok i broke the fourth wall and lets fix that. So i put a patch over the wall i just broke to talk to them.

It's been a few days since naruto and i became boyfriends...i wonder when he's going to ask me out on a date? Maybe never or maybe when it's way later on in life. Then i saw naruto, "oi naruto!" i said and naruto freezes and turns around. He looks at me before he takes off running. Really naruto? I can sense you, so no matter where you go, i know where you are as long as your in my range when I'm sensing peoples chakra and all. Uh...naruto did you forget that we still play chakra hide and seek? So you can't really hide from me since I've been sensing chakra since i was a lot younger. Though i believe naruto's up to something...a prank? A future date thing? Well whatever it is...i hope i like it...so after a few days past by, naruto came to my house and took me out. "So what did you want to do naruto? You do have a reason for bringing me out here, right?" i asked him. I saw him blush a bit and try to hide it a little. "Yes i do shikamaru...will you go out on a date with me?" he asked and i froze in surprise. So he was going to ask me out on a date. Then he began to panic after he saw that i froze, "that is if you want to of course!" he said still panicking. I smiled and brought my hands to his face to hold him a bit still. "Of course i would like to go on a date with you naruto. Just tell me where your going to go to do it." i said still smiling. On the inside though, i was panicking a bit since it was a date and my first one.

Like where is it going to be at, what time, when should i go and maybe more thoughts popped into my mind. I saw that naruto relaxed after i said that and he took my hand into his and lead me somewhere that I've never been before. It was a bit deep in the forrest, it had a clearing, i saw the lake was sparkling a bit, the trees leaves moving around with the wind, a few animals here and there. Naruto set a picnic, i don't know where he got that basket from along with a placket but oh well...i can think about that later. After naruto sets it up, we sit, we talked after we finished eating. I was surprised it wasn't ramen that we were eating but actual food. I think this is okaa-san food...didn't naruto go to okaa-san to either get cooking lessons or ask for certain food that i might like? Awe naruto you really thought this out, you certainly have my respect especially after most likely talking to okaa-san about food. You already had my respect especially in the future with everything you end up doing but my respect for you has been enhanced a bit because okaa-san can be a bit scary when something happens or when trying to teach since she is a bit strict. After talking for a while, i decided to ask naruto the question that's been plaguing my mind since he asked me out. "Naruto..i got a question for you...why did you ask to be my boyfriend? What made you...like me so much?" i asked him a bit curious. Naruto goes quite for a few moments, "Shikamaru..you've been the only other person my age that was so nice...so kind..and not afraid of me...or hate me...there are only a few people who are like that...I've like you since we were younger...since we first met actually...i did tell you that one time i would marry you did i not?" naruto said and asked. Yes i do remember when naruto said that...it was on the day before my fifth birthday, i can remember it just like yesterday..


Naruto brought me outside my house where no one was currently at there at the moment. Naruto why did you bring me here? Did you want to play chakra hide and go seek? I thought before naruto stops, still holding my hand. He stands there for a few moments before turning around to look at me. I look at him with curiosity in my eyes, i wonder what's gotten into him? Why dies he look so determined? Does he want to tell me something that he wasn't able to before? I thought, "Shikamaru...i...like you...a lot...and...I'm going to marry you someday! I think it will be after i become hokage because then I'll be worthy in everyone's eyes!" naruto said and i freeze in surprise. You want to u marry me? I thought then listened to all that he said. Worthy? Oh naruto your already worthy...you endure so much and yet you still remain pure..."naruto...you don't have to become hokage just to be worthy...you already are by just being you. You don't need everyone to judge you, it just depends on how your friends and family see you...and it depends on how you see yourself...if you think your worthy then you are...if you think you are not then your not. It will always depend on what you think you are. Sometimes you just need a little push to accept who you are. You will do great things in the future naruto...i know it..." i remember saying to naruto and i remember him blushing with tears in his eyes.

~end of flashback~

"I l..love you shikamaru...I've loved you since before then and after. I mean who wouldn't love you? Your kind, smart, nice, you help people out without them knowing sometimes, you've helped me despite a lot that hate me, your not afraid of me...i even know that you befriended another like me in the hidden village in the desert after your father took you there that one time after you turned five...your just..so kind...i love that about you shikamaru...i..just love you..." naruto said blushing. I felt warmth creeping up upon my cheeks, I'm blushing i realized that...what naruto said was...very heartwarming..very nice and sweet of him...we didn't say anything for a while after that. Though i brought naruto down to rest his head on my l____ and he fell asleep soon enough.  I stared down at his sleeping face, he looks...cute...i thought absently then i blushed when i realized what i said..should i still try to make him realize I'm just not right for him? But...after all that he said about me...ugh why did i have to go and actually fall for the idiot on the way if trying to not to? Ok yes i did fall in love with him even when i wasn't trying to...i just didn't realize what i was feeling until naruto just poured out his feelings and what he thinks about me...he thinks I'm kind...that I'm nice...that I'm smart...

I...like him...no i love him as well...but can we really be together? I'm not sure if he could actual have children of his own blood, the same could be said about me...i won't be able to have children...nor will there be anyone after me when i become head of my clan...maybe i should invent a new jutsu...so a man can become pregnant but they have to do it on themselves if they want it. If they don't then they can't become pregnant...ok that's it I'm going to make a jutsu so a man can become pregnant so they can have children of their own blood. So i will get to have children and Naruto will to...so we can have kids in the way distant future when we are around 20...ugh it will probably take me quite the years to make it but i will try...i smiled at the thought of having kids in the future, even if i don't succeed in that...i think i will be happy just knowing i tried so we both could get kids together...if i succeed then...i will probably be the happiest man on the planet, knowing i would be able to have kids of my own blood along with naruto...i wonder what naruto will think though...then i fell asleep at the thought of it, dreaming of a future where i had kids with Naruto and we are a happy family.

Ok i finished at 1713 words right now. This chapter might be a little weird but eh at least i tried. Sorry it's been a while since i last published a new chapter but I've been working hard on this and trying to finish some chapters of different stories of mine. I got about five new ideas for new stories. That won't be published just yet but sooner or later they will. Until next time..ja ne~!

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