Catching up

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Sorry for the wait. I've been busy with my youtube channel. Here's the next chapter.
(Back at the cove)
'Your really that boy who saved all of us?' Stormfly Asked.

I nodded.
'I prefer to be called Hiccup.'

'Alright. How did this happen?'

'Well, I remember helping Toothless. Then I got his blood on my hands. Then a shelf fell on me. Hitting me with potions. Now I'm a dragon.'

'Alright, But what's hands?'

'It's the human equivalent of dragon paws.'

Stormfly nodded in understanding.

Astrid was talking to Ruffnut.
"Thank you for watching over Stormfly while I was gone."

"No problem. So how's Hiccup been?"

"Not very good. But of course, I don't know how to understand him. And the same for me. Like he's completely forgot the human language. I mean he doesn't know the alphabet."

"He's becoming more dragon like everyday."

"How So?"

"He can't see color. That's why we were at Gothi's. Why where you at Gothi's?"

"Oh Tuffnut had a scraped knee. We were just getting some healing ointment."

Astrid nodded.

"Is everything okay at the village with Hiccup gone and everything?"

"Some people are asking questions. But some people I don't think have noticed very good or are hiding there questions."

Astrid walked over to me.

I looked up at Astrid, then back at the ground.
I drew a bottle with tiny waves in it.
Then I drew a arrow over to a picture of human me. Then I drew a arrow over to a picture of a Night Fury.

Fishlegs walked over. "Is he trying to tell us something?" He Asked.

Astrid nodded.

The twins walked over.

"I think I got it. The potions turned human Hiccup into a Night Fury." Tuffnut said.

"I gotta agree with my brother. I think he's right." Ruffnut Said.

"You guys are idiots! What ever you say is always backwards. It's a Night Fury turned human Hiccup into a potion." Snotloud said.

"Snotloud, how could that be possible? That obviously didn't happen." Fishlegs said.

"Says who!?" Snotloud Asked.

"Says evidence." Fishlegs said.

"Can you guys shut up!" Astrid exclaimed.

"Hey you stay out of this. This is a A B C D conversation you need to E your way out of this." Tuffnut said.

"That doesn't even make any sense!" Astrid exclaimed.

Two much was going on. Even if I could understand English I still wouldn't know what there saying.
'Stop!!' I exclaimed.

The roar caught there attention, not the word.

I drew a picture of Gothi, or the best I could. Never really tried drawing her.

Astrid nodded.

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