The Effects Of Eels

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Hey guys I'm back for the next chapter. I hope y'all aren't mad that I was late.
Why did Hiccup run?

I'm sure none of us had an idea.

"Well okay them. Looks like we need a new leader." Tuffnut exclaimed.

"I Vote Me!" Both twins said at the same time, then got into a fight.

Fishlegs sighed, then walked up to Astrid.
"What do you think we should do?"

"Well it looked like he was sick at his stomach. So maybe we should go look back at that market." Astrid Said.

"Good idea." Said Tuffnut who look pretty beaten.


I just kept running. I didn't know why, what, or when.
Why was I running again?
I...think I'm... upset?

Yeah, I'm upset.

It was Astrid.
Sh-she upset me.

Oh she's going to pa....oooooh butterfly.

I tried to stop but my paws didn't have enough friction and I slid into a tree.


I looked around and noticed everything looked weird.

It was a strange c-c-color, yeah color.

'That's a funny word.'

'Color, cooler, cloler, clooker.'


(Illegal Dragon Hunters roaming through the woods)

"Hey. Look over here." Said hunter 1
(I can make up names because there not important.)

"That looks like dragon foot prints." Said Hunter 2.

"Judging by the angle and the depth of the prints, looks like it could be in a hurry." Said hunter 1.

"I don't care about the dragons feelings, it's a mindless animal. I just want the good cash we can earn." Said hunter 3.


I was laying in the dirt admiring my paws.

"Every thing is so wiggly."



I rolled back over and looked at the arrow next to he head.

"Oh no. It's the other people who tried to hurt me."

I rolled back over, successfully avoiding another arrow striking right where I was laying.

I immediately ran.

"Chase him!!"

I tuned to see that some of the people hopped onto there weird looking creatures and ran after me. (Horses)

One caught up with me and was running by my side.

The man shot an arrow through my leg.
'Agh!' I rolled tripped and began rolling but stopped instantly by hitting a tree.

I held my leg close to my chest.

The people walked up to me speaking weird, as usual.


"Th-that's a Night Fury!" Said guard 1

"Good, Drago Would love this."


Out of nowhere a dragon landed in front of me, and made a line of fire blocking us off from the men.


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