Getting somewhere

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Snotloud Finally returned with Gothi.
He helped her off Hookfang.

She walked over to me.
'I heard you needed me?'

'I wanted to come to you, but i didn't want to be seen.'

Gothi nodded.

'What do you know about potions?'

'Potions? Why?'

'I'm pretty Sure that's what caused my transformation.'

'Well my chemistry is a little rusty. But I once had a student who was a master.'

'Really? Where is he?'

'Well its a she. And she's at the Northern Market.'

'How do you know this?'

'We've stayed in contact and she had a schedule of where she goes.'

'Well where are we waiting for!? Tell them.'

Gothi walked over to the teens. She scratched into the ground.

10 minutes later.

"Alright were going to need a boat." Astrid Said.

"Why, our Dragons can fly?" Asked Ruffnut.

"Neither Hiccup or Toothless can fly. And we're leaving the other dragons here." Astrid Said.

An upset moan came from the Twins.

Fishlegs walked up to me.
"Hiccup, i need you to follow me. We're getting a boat."

I tilted my head.

Fishlegs sighed. "Boat." He Said slowly.

'I don't think he completely understands that I don't know English.' I Said.

Fishlegs sighed and and signaled with his hand for me to follow.

We all left the cove and snuck our way to the docks.

'Oh he was saying boat.'

'What's a boat?' Toothless Asked.

'The wooden things that float on water.' I answered.

Gothi gave Astrid a map and wished us luck.

We got on one of the medium sized boats. Not a war boat and definitely not a life boat. But more like a fishing boat.

Hey guys. I'm sorry for not updating in a while. I've been distracted by other things. But I'm now out of school.

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