15 ♒️ the end

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Today was Alex and I's six month anniversary. Six whole months. It seemed like much longer than that, but each day I found myself falling more and more in love with her. Apparently, there's yet another surprise to go with my gift. How great.

Right now, I was snuggled up to Alex on the couch, watching the first season of Faking It for the twelfth time. This had grown to be one of our favorite shows. The best part of it had to be the "fake lesbian" humor. So original.

"Ugh, why does Karma keep throwing herself on that douche bag? She's obviously gay."

"She could be bisexual, you never know."

"Um, have you seen the way she looked at Amy after they kissed in the threesome? Yeah, if that doesn't scream dyke, I don't know what does."

"Well she can't be so "dyke" if she likes dick."

"Maybe she's just pretending to like dick so people don't judge her. Ever think of that?"

"No, but it seems extremely out of the ordinary."

Alex sighed, giving up on the gossip of Faking It. I had to admit, the show was one of my favorites. I just didn't like watching it over and over again.

All day, we watched episodes of all our favorite shows: Faking it, America's Next Top Model, the L Word, Friends, and Everybody Loves Raymond. I had popped popcorn and made a few snacks for us to munch onto, and I even whipped up a batch of cupcakes. I made the frosting spell out "I love you", which was extremely corny, but worked for the occasion.

Before you knew it, it was six o'clock. Alex shot from the couch and said, "Oh, we have to start getting ready," before running into our bedroom to get changed. I didn't know what on earth she had planned, but I'm sure it would be something spectacular.


And here I was, walking back into the cold night wearing a blindfold around my eyes. Alex held my hand and led me to a secret surprise (at least, that's what she had called it) and I, being stubborn, groaned at the whole thing.

"Don't worry babe, we're almost there." I held her hand for a bit longer, stepping over stones and rocks to finally meet grass. "Here we are." She slowly took the blindfold away from my face, and as it ascended, my eyes met a tiny white gazebo, decorated with white Christmas lights, different colored flowers, and sweet music. Under it was a table and chairs, set up for two, and a vase of roses for the centerpiece.

"Figured it would be nice to have dinner under the stars." Once we sat down, she pulled a picnic basket from under her, filled with turkey sandwiches, grilled cheese, and salad-- just like one of our first dates. I couldn't help but laugh to myself, remembering our picnic in the park.

"You've really outdone yourself. Now I'm afraid to give you my gift," I mumbled softly, suddenly embarrassed that I had gotten her so little.

"Oh, stop it," she said, "I'll be happy with anything."

With that, I pulled out each gift, wrapped with blue tissue paper as well as shiny wrapping paper. She tore it open at the corners, revealing each gift I had given her. "Sarah, I love it! A Hufflepuff scarf? Incredible! And this vinyl... I've wanted it ever since I saw it at the music store. Not to mention the art supplies... Wow. Thank you, babe." Her smile was so thoughtful and genuine I wanted to kiss her right then and there. I squeezed her hand from across the table and gave her a small smile, "Yeah, well it's nothing compared to this amazing dinner, but I'm glad you like it."

"Oh, that reminds me. I have one more thing."

"Alex, seriously? This is more than enough, I mean a whole--"

"Sarah Jessica Hale," she started, getting down on one knee, "Ever since I met you, I knew you were the one. I know it's been such a short time, but... when you know, you know. And I feel like I knew long before this very moment." Tears welled in my eyes, but she continued. "It would make me the happiest woman alive, if I could make you my wife.

Will you marry me?"

My eyes shot open, my throat ran dry. The tears that were once in my eyes fell straight down my cheeks. She held my hand and smiled up at me, all that hope shimmering in her eyes. Once I could finally breathe, I said the words I knew she was itching to hear, words that I knew would be the most sacred words I would ever say.




GUYS THIS IS THE END OF THE STORY SHABDNBSSH BUT DONT WORRY I have decided to make *drum roll* A SEQUEL! Or a spin-off, I haven't decided yet. I don't know when I'll get that started. I need a cover first, so it might take a while finding a cover maker haha. Oh, and a name for the story. ;) I hope you guys liked this story. It's my first short story on here and more than anything I just want to say thank you to everyone who's constantly been supportive of me. I love you all!

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