Chapter 1

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(Name) sprinted down the hallway as she glanced at the name plates on the doors, searching for a particular name. Ben Grimm, her older brother, and the other members of his team got caught up in some cosmetic energy clouds when they were up in Victor Von Doom's private space station studying a cosmic storm. She was planning on going to Coney Island with some of her friends but had received a phone call about her brother being injured.  Sighing in relief when she found Ben's room, she turned the knob and entered, only to bump into someone's hard chest and loud clash of glass breaking could be heard. (Name) backed away quickly to apologize at whoever she bumped into only see an intolerable jerk standing in front of her. "Well, it's nice to see a pretty face," Johnny Storm smirked.

"Damn it Johnny!" (Name) growled in annoyance.

"Johnny could forget about the apology!" (Name) thought as she heard Ben yell out Johnny's name as Johnny cackled while he ran out from Ben's room before something else could be thrown at him. 

(Name) glanced down on the floor to see a broken mirror, victim of her brother's anger towards the said man. "Ben, it's me (Name), may I come in?" she asked before moving a step.

A deep sigh filled the air, "Yeah sure. I need to see a friendly face anyways," (Name)'s brother imploded.

Ben smiled as his little sister walked over onto the side of his bed. She was the youngest, being only twenty-two, in the family. He felt like a proud father as she was the apple of his eye. (Name) had received her bachelor's degree English Literature a few months prior from the University of Minnesota. She had bright, vibrant (e/c) eyes, and (h/l) (h/c) hair that was always properly taken care of. (Name)'s smile and personality could make even the cold-hearted blush. As her older brother, Ben felt it was right to protect her, especially from the flirtatious younger male Storm.

"How are you feeling big brother?" (Name) asked as she grabbed a chair and took a seat near the nightstand.

"I ain't complaining; just hungry," Ben replied as he sat up.

"So what did Johnny do this time for you to attack him with a poor mirror?" (Name) asked curiously.

"You know how he is; always an ass."

(Name) giggled as glanced around the room. "Glad to know you're being well taken care of."

Ben chuckled, "Yeah, but I want to get out of here already. I want to meet up with Debs already. I miss her so much."

The smile on (Name)'s face quickly turned into a scowl when Ben mentioned his fiancée's name. It's not that she wasn't happy for her older brother... She was glad, of course, but the problem she just didn't like the woman. (Name) wasn't sure why, but she just didn't.

Noticing her displeasure, Ben took her small hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, "(Name), I can see you're not very fond of her, but I love her. Can't you try to get along with her?"

(Name) sighed. "I'm sorry Ben, but I get this odd feeling about her, " (Name) answered truthfully. "I can try... but I'm letting you know right now... as your sister—and I don't care if you're older than me—if that woman hurts you, I will go on national television and I'm going to make sure everyone sees me beat the crap out of her."

"Thank you and I hope it doesn't get to that point," Ben chuckled as he sat up. "Tell you what; let me change while you wait outside. I'm pretty sure you want to see Reed and Sue."

(Name) beamed at the thought of seeing them again. It's been far too long since she spoke to Sue. (Name) giggled, "Yes I do. Alright then, I'll be outside broski!"

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