Chapter 10

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Doom slowly walked over towards the tired Grimm that was crouched over several feet away. Doom raised the electric pole he had in his hand, about to give a final blow to his nemesis. "I can't let you do that," a voice declared.

Doom turned to see none-other-than Reed Richards. He was slightly bruised, but stood his ground to help defend his friend. Doom smiled evilly, "You can't stop me."

Doom turned back to face Ben and swung the long, metal pole down; however, the pole didn't struck Ben. Realizing what had stopped the blow, Doom smirked, "Hello, Susan."

Susan then became visible and using her force-field power, she flung the pole out from Doom's grip. Reed darted over to Ben and quickly helped him up.

"What's this; the pitiful three?"


Johnny hurled a large fireball at Doom, knocking him back. He took his place alongside with the others. "Had a little relapse, huh?" Johnny joked to the Thing.

Ben was about to retort until Johnny gave him a warm smile and murmured, "Welcome back."

A loud roar caused the heroes to look over to where Doom was standing and noticed his metal skin was slightly melted, making him look more villainous.

"This should be fun," Doom chuckled darkly as he slowly stepped forward towards them.

Out of nowhere, an arrow shot at him and exploded causing a metal rope to sprout and wrap around Doom. "Geez, you all started the party without me," (Name) cried, giving the group a fake hurt look as she gracefully jumped off an undamaged streetlight.

Doom struggled to get himself out of the binds. "Rope laced with titanium and a few other elements. Courtesy of SHIELD," (Name) smirked as she kissed her bow.

Reed stretched and moved Doom away from the crowd that had formed around the fight. "Johnny; Go supernova!"

"...but all these people!" protested the flaming man.

"Now!" shouted Reed as Ben quickly pulled him away.

Johnny quickly followed orders and flew around Doom as bright flames engulfed him. "Flame on, Johnny," (Name) whispered as she watched him.

Sue quickly made a force-field around Johnny's supernova flames in order to contain it. The supernova's flames faded as Johnny then collapsed onto the ground. (Name) darted over to him and cradled his upper body within her arms. Johnny coughed and smiled tiredly he gently grabbed her hand as the two watched.

Sue dropped the force-field and Doom stepped out through the smoke. "Is that all you've got?" Doom threatened, showing no signs of weakness.

"Time for your lesson Vic. Chem 101: what happens when you supercool hot metal?" Reed questioned the metal man. "Now, Ben!"

"...Got it, teach!" Ben yelled as he kicked open a fire hydrant.

Water sprayed onto Doom, his screams filling the air and faded away into nothing. Ben crushed the fire hydrant so no water would spew out.

Doom was a frozen statue. The group exhaled, relieved that the fight was over. Johnny slowly stood up and extended his hand out to (Name). Shyly, she took his hand and the pair walked to the others. "Damn, I love this job," Johnny smiled.

"Job, huh?" Ben said, in thought.

"Well we do have the suits," Reed implied as he hugged Sue.

Johnny wrapped his arms around (Name)'s waist, her back faced against him. "Funny how things turned out, Agent Grimm," he whispered.

Blushing, (Name) turned around and looked at him, placing a small kiss on his cheek.


Johnny watched Ben walk around with his new girlfriend, Alicia, as he introduced his new partner to his friends. Johnny smiled as he saw Ben finally happy and then walked off to get a drink towards the small bar on the other side of the boat. He then noticed several women were about to walk towards him, but they quickly stopped and walked away. Confused, Johnny turned around only to be greeted by a certain female Grimm. His jaw dropped at the gorgeous sight. (Name)'s (h/l) (h/c) locks were curled, and her lips were tinted a light pink color. She wore a black, slim dress that showed her figure, but yet was still semi-casual. "Hello, earth to Johnny," (Name) motioned as she snapped fingers in front of his face.

"You look hot," he whispered as kissed her cheek, causing the young agent to blush.

"Is that so?" (Name) questioned nervously. (Name) looked around and noticed Clint and Natasha talking to Benny and Alicia.

"Yes," Johnny chuckled but then asked in a serious tone, "Can I ask you something? What happened to that doctor you used to get me jealous with?"

"I never tried to get you jealous with Rami," (Name) shot back as the couple walked outside onto the deck. "To answer your question, Rami went back to Egypt."

"So you never tried to get me jealous?"

"Not really. Besides, you had those other women who fawned over you and you'd give them all your attention."

"That was before I fell in love with you."

"Exact—Wait what?"

Johnny smirked and pulled the bashful female Grimm close to him. "You heard me. I specifically remember when I bumped into you a few months back in the hallway at Victor's hospital. You said you didn't want to be with someone like how I <b>used</b> to be. So to make sure you realize that you mean a lot to me, will you be my girlfriend?"

"How do you know that I feel the same?" (Name) retorted.

Johnny frowned. He didn't think about that. (Name) chuckled and smiled, kissing his cheek. "I'm kidding. Of course I'll be your girlfriend," she whispered.

He smiled and pressed his lips onto (Name)'s. He put all the love and admiration he had for her into that kiss. "Hey, Matchstick; back away from my sister," Ben warned as he walked by with Alicia.

"Benny," (Name) whined as she wrapped her arms around Johnny. "Alicia; thank you so much for making my brother smile; he deserved someone like you."

"Alicia smiled, "No problem, (Name)."

The couples walked towards the edge of the deck to see Reed proposing to Sue. (Name) smiled as they kissed. Everyone soon started to applaud, startling the couple.

"No more cracks about how I look," Ben told Johnny.

"Hey, I'm Mr. Sensitivity now," Johnny replied, giving his lover a kiss on the cheek. "Clear the way, wide load coming through!"

Ben glared at his littler sister's boyfriend and walked after him. "Flame on!" Johnny shouted as he flew up into the sky before Ben could grab him.

With his flames, Johnny wrote the number four into the starry night sky. "Showoff!" yelled Ben as everyone laughed.

The Fantastic Four may have their mishaps every now and then, however they are a family and together as one, they will protect what matters most to them as well as the world they live in.

Fin... For now

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