Chapter 9

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(Name) sighed tiredly as she rubbed the back of her neck. The doors of the elevator slid open into a dimly-lit room. After finally finishing up a mission with Natasha and Clint had just returned from a mission involving some men that were somehow involved with Von Doom Industries. You looked around, pulling your gun out in the process. There was a large hole in the window. You turn to see Ben, in his human form, lying on the ground unconscious. Your eyes widened as you ran towards your brother. "Ben," you whimpered. "Ben, wake up!"

A hooded figure stepped out of the darkness, watching you try to help your brother. "Well, if it isn't the younger Grimm," a voice said behind you. You turned to see Victor, but half of his flesh seemed to be replaced with metal. You stood up as you pointed the gun at him. "What did you do to Ben?" you barked.

"I gave Ben what he's always wanted," he simply replied.

You shot him twice only for the bullets to ricochet off his body. Your eyes widened and quickly ran as Victor shot lightning bolts at you. A small bolt hit your utility belt and you fell, pretending to be unconscious. "Three down, two to go," he said as he walked away.

Once he was gone, you struggled to get up, and then took off your belt. You unzipped your vest and pulled up your black tank top up to reveal a large burn on your hip. You winced and walked over to your brother. You hear footsteps and grabbed your pepper spray that Ben always made you carry in your pocket. "Ben!"

You put the can down when you realized it was just Sue. You heard a groan and you looked at your brother. "(Name)!" shouted Sue and helped you get him up and on a chair.

"Sue!" Johnny yelled as he walked in. "I'm sorry for leaving—"

"No," she apologized, "I'm sorry for pushing you out."

Ben opened his eyes and looked at you (e/c) orbs. "Hey little sister," he greeted tiredly.

"Benny, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Eric...but mostly forgive me for not telling you about me becoming a SHIELD agent," you cried as you held him.

Ben patted your back, "I knew about Eric, but the 'agent' thing is new."

You winced as the pain on your hip worsened. "Johnny, I'm sorry for knocking you over."

Johnny walked over to you and pulled you into a hug. "You can be an idiot, you know that?" He tilted your chin up with his index finger and pressed his lips onto yours. Your eyes fluttered shut, returning the kiss back. Ben cleared his throat as Sue looked around. Johnny pulled away from you and looked at you with his blue eyes. Your face was tomato red, as Ben glared at the Human Torch. "Jesus, Ben!" cried out Johnny.

Johnny eyed him, "I go away, and look what happens. You got a lot of explaining to do." He motioned to the wreckage around the lab.

Ben struggled to speak, "The machine works and Vic's gone Mister Hyde on us—"

"Really; with a name like Von Doom?" Johnny sarcastically asked. "Never saw that one coming."

"Where is Reed?" Sue asked worriedly.

"Victor must've taken him," Ben said.

"We have to find him," you groaned, as you walked towards the balcony. Sue and Johnny walked outside with you. All of you hear something being fired and see a missile coming from Victor's building. Johnny moves and his eyes narrow. "I'm going to fly."

You looked at him, confused. "What?"

Johnny gave you a peck on your lips and jumped onto the ledge.

"Johnny what are you doing?" Sue questioned him.

"Sis, let me care for you and (Name) for once."

"But Johnny...You can't fly."


Your eyes widened when you saw him jump off the ledge. You screamed his name again. The missile followed him and you hear him shout "Flame on!"

"He did it," breathed Sue. She looked at you, "We need to help Reed."

"Ben, it's too dangerous for you now," you told your older brother as you put your vest back on. "You need to stay here."

You and Sue quickly ran to the elevator, heading toward the Doom's lair.

Ben watched with worried eyes. You were his little sister and he should be the one to protect you. "What have I done?"

You watched from behind a corner as Sue walked in Victor's office toward Reed in her invisible form. He had Reed strapped to a chair and had cords attached into his body, making him frozen. You silently walked followed like how Natasha trained you. You were the distraction for Doom. "Victor," you drawled in a sweet voice.

You heard someone moved and lunged at him, tackling Victor onto the ground. He pushed you off, knocking you onto a table. He walked over to where Reed was at and commented how romantic Sue was for rescuing Reed. Sue protested him to stop, but Victor did not want anything to do with her. Sue hurled a force-field at him. He took a step back as he simply shook her move off. He smiled at her as his arm crackled with electricity. Using his other hand, he gripped it around her neck. You stood up and lunged yourself once more at him before he could do anymore harm to her. He lost his grip and let her go. He kicked your side and just as he was about to shock you, the elevator door flew into the room. "IT'S CLOBBERING TIME!"

"Ben!" you yelled, your voice hoarse.

Doom turned around only to get punched by the Thing. The force sent Doom back and crashed against the far wall of his office. Rubble fell over him. Doom doesn't move. "I've always wanted to do that," beamed the Thing.

Ben walked over to Reed and started to disconnect the cords off him. Sue stood up to help up. You winced in pain as blood trickled down on the side of your forehead. Out of nowhere, the rubble began to move. Doom stood up, electricity circulating in his hands. He charged at Ben and pushed himself and Ben out the window. You ran over to see them crash into a hotel building. You, Sue and Reed quickly dash out the office to make your way to aide Ben.

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