Chapter 7

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 "Johnny I could walk on my own," (Name) whined annoyingly as he carried her back to the Baxter Building.

Somehow she had managed to slip and sprain her ankle on a puddle of water that was on the floor when she was washing her hands in the restroom. (Name) asked a young teen that was on her phone to get Johnny who was outside. Most likely to get a chance to meet him, the girl quickly ran out in search of the said hero. Many of his fans weren't pleased to see him play the white prince, especially when he ran into the restroom help her. She wasn't even able to say goodbye to Rami. "Yes, gorgeous?" Johnny replied as the pair reached the entrance of the building.

"Rami could have brought me."

Johnny silently gritted his teeth at the mention of the doctor's name, but then smirked. "You didn't think of him when you were hurt."


"Oh, so you love (Name); the man that's known to have many women on the side?" sneered Rami.

"Yeah, believe it or not, Doc."

"Do you honestly believe (Name) is going to fall for a man like you?"

"Johnny Storm!!" a girl cried hysterically as she came out from the restroom, startling the two men. "There's a girl that seems to know you in restroom. She's hurt and told me to come get you."

Leaving Rami by himself, Johnny quickly made his way to the restroom and found (Name) on the floor. "(Name), what happened?

"I thought I'd have a nice trip here on the ground, that's all," she sarcastically joked.

A small crowd of girls stared at the hero as Johnny squat down to see (Name)'s injury. He instructed her to get on his back. (Name) blushed at the thought of Johnny giving her a piggyback ride and said 'no', but she obliged when he threatened he'd take away her time from watching Supernatural.


"You worry too much Johnny," (Name) yawned, "but it's nice to know you're not always an ass."

"I know and of course I care," he mumbled quietly as a light tint of pink started to form on his cheeks.

Ben noticed the pair both once they returned home. Sue and Reed helped (Name) with her sprained ankle while Johnny told Ben what happened. "Well, I owe you one hotshot," murmured Ben.

"Johnny," Sue called out once she was done bandaging your wound. "I thought I told you we can't leave the building anymore. We attract too many people—"

"And I'm still trying to see if our powers are temporary," interjected Reed.

"What? Outside is the real world though!!" yelled Johnny. "How are we getting food?"

"I'm bringing the goods to the building," (Name) said as she stood up carefully. "Now be a good asshole, and carry me to my bed."

Johnny grumbled, upset about being locked up like an animal because of his powers. Sue walked over to Ben as Johnny took the female Grimm to her room. "I'm not trying to bring out your protectiveness," Sue started, "but why do I have a feeling that they're going to end up together?"

"Not before I kill him."


Days passed as Sue, Johnny, Reed, and Ben stayed in the building. Reed was examining the others in specific ways and examinations. (Name) watched as her Reed and Sue examined Johnny who was in a fire-proof chamber. The thermometer read "2000 Kelvin" and spiraled up to 4000.

"Johnny, back it down!" Reed yelled as the machines started to go haywire.

"I can go hotter!" Johnny shouted back from inside.

Reed pressed a button and Johnny's flames were quickly doused in foam.

"You're cramping my style here!" Johnny whined through a hole his flames had made.

"You were at 4000 Kelvin," Sue informed in a concerned tone, "Any hotter and you'd be approaching supernova—"

"Sweet," he chirped coolly.

"That's the temperature of the sun Johnny," (Name) remarked as she walked towards the pair up near the controllers.

"Not only could you kill yourself, but you could set fire to Earth's atmosphere and destroy all human life as we know it," Reed stated as he continued to examine the results.

"Gotcha; Supernova: bad."


"So Ben is pure solid; Reed can stretch like rubber; you can turn invisible and make force fields and Johnny is like a human torch?" (Name) guessed as she and Sue worked out in the weight room.

"You're correct, except Reed wants me to work on my emotions."

"Why?" (Name) wondered as she walked off the treadmill.

"I have to find a way to control my powers at will."

"You're a smart woman. I think you will," (Name) replied in a positive manner.

"Hey!" shouted the familiar flame boy as he walked in from the restroom, "Okay guys, we have a serious problem."

(Name) stifled a laugh as she looked at Johnny's clothes which were filled with holes from his flames. Reed walked in to see what the commotion was about only to quickly walk to the lab and pull out the space uniforms.


"Our uniforms were exposed to the storm like us. So they can transform like us, becoming invisible; changing size on demand or remaining impervious to flame," informed Reed as he passed out their space suits. (Name) and Ben were eating ice cream as the siblings watched the other three walk back to the living room with the uniforms on.

"You look like an eighties rock band," Ben teased.

Sue walked up to Ben with his old suit. "The suit will stretch. You should try it—"

"I wouldn't be caught dead in that."

"Ben, try it on," his sister scolded as she took his metal ice cream cup away. He glared at her while she stuck out her tongue and placed the cups into the sink.

"He's right," Johnny agreed with Ben, "These costumes are... missing something. I can't put my finger on it—"

"They're not costumes," Reed gritted, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"We're not taking them out. Johnny, we need to stay here a little longer till we've stabilized," Sue ordered.

Johnny shook his head, frustrated that he didn't have his freedom. "I'm getting sick of being trapped here. NASA wasn't even this strict!" he shouted as he marched away. (Name) sighed in defeat as she turned to look at Sue and Reed who have nothing else to say.

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