Chapter 3

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 "It has to be the cloud. It's fundamentally altered our DNA," Sue theorized as they urgently made their way down through the halls.

"Let's not jump to conclusions; we need a massive amount of evidence before making that leap," Reed implied.

"Oh, and what do you expect?" (Name) shouted.

(Name) skidded to a stop and tried to open her brother's door. "Crap," she muttered as Reed tried typing the password in Reed but it still wouldn't budge. Johnny kept snapping his fingers while chanting, "Flame on, flame off" until Sue scolded him that it wasn't the time to be playing around. (Name) grew anxious about the well-being of Ben. She felt her heart break when she heard her brother groan in pain. Sounds of objects snapping could be heard from inside, only firing (Name) up to attempt to bust the door down. "(Name), it'll be okay." Sue tried to calm her down.

Using his new powers he discovered earlier when a champagne bottle almost fell off the table in the dining hall. Reed placed his hand under the crack of the door and his arms started to stretch, able to unlatch the door from the other side. Reed's hand snaked back to its proper place as (Name) and Johnny just stared in astonishment. "That is disgusting," Johnny commented, not believing what he had just seen.

There was a loud noise of things crashing around from inside the room, causing Reed to quickly open the door. The room that was once neatly organized was now dismantled and trashed. They walked inside cautiously, scanning for any sign of Ben but only to see a large hole where the window used to be. Everyone scurried over towards the hole to see something run into the distance. (Name) stared in disbelief as felt tears started to prick around her eyes. She embraced the closest body next to her. Johnny was surprised to see her cry as he knew she was the type to always be strong, but this is her brother they're talking about. He wrapped his free arm around her waist, comforting the crying girl.

"What's going on?" a voice said.

Sue and Reed turned around to see Victor standing there. "Are you alright?" Sue asked him, wondering if he was also experiencing the same effects as they were.

Victor just nodded. "Just a little banged up, a couple of scrapes; why?"

"Ben did this," Reed stated, peering around the room.

"Ben did this?"

"He had some kind of ... reaction to exposure from the cloud, and he's not the only one."

"Victor, I'm sorry I--," Sue tried to apologize to Victor as he noticed the closeness between Reed and her.

Victor looked at Sue, and just rolled his eyes. "Just find him," he said coldly before walking off.

(Name) quickly pulled away from the person who was embracing her, who just she realized was Johnny. Her cheeks grew red from embarrassment while Johnny smiled slightly. He knew deep in her heart she liked him, but he wasn't going to push his luck. He knew he could be an ass at times, but he did care for her, and that was something he was afraid to admit. As much as he wanted to pull out (Name)'s inner feelings, the thing that mattered to him right now was seeing her smile by bringing back her brother. "Anybody know where the big guy's going?" Johnny questioned.

Reed walked over by the nightstand where two pictures were lying on the floor. One was with (Name) and Ben fishing while the other picture was of him and Debbie together. Reed knew exactly where Ben was going.

"He's going home."


"Was this really part of the plan to get Ben?" (Name) mumbled, her arms crossed over her chest. She huffed in annoyance and turned to face the windshield of the cab.

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