Chapter 7: Gossip Over Grits

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(*Warning: minor language, smoking)

Thursday came in a brilliant explosion of pinks and oranges, the sunlight filtering through the gentle waves against her window, and the dappling light is enough to make her groan. Getting out of bed nearly killed her.

Her night had been restless again, full of nightmares that had her waking up multiple times. The colour green seemed to be burned into her vision, and she couldn't even avoid it when she puts on her robes. Her hair was horrendously knotted and tangled from a night of tossing and turning, and it took magical and manual means, as well as an entire bottle of curl taming potion to fix it.

She makes her way down into the common room, wincing at the excessive light and sound as her peers also mill about. She catches sight of Tom and smiles in his direction, but he misses it as he snatches a book away from another boy, who flinches.

"What have I said, Greengrass, about reading these in public? Are you trying to get it burned?" He hisses, vanishing the book with his wand. His face is stormy, and she decides he isn't in the best mood for her to approach. Instead, she makes her way over to Perseus and Abraxas, leaning out a window.

"Hold it up higher- higher! Do not get it wet, Lestrange, I swear on my life- higher!" With the water lapping against the glass, their elbows and fronts were soaked through, yet they remained at the window with a pipe.

"Good morning," She mumbles to them, and Abraxas snatches back the pipe when Lestrange finally takes a drag from it. "What are you doing half in the lake?" Lestrange grins.

"Abraxas is letting me try one of his new Dittany blends. We aren't allowed to smoke when there's first years in here, though." He jabs a thumb towards the group playing chess. "Are you alright? You look like shit."

"You look lovely as always, Hermione," Abraxas interrupts, giving Lestrange an indignant look. "Maybe a little tired, are you feeling alright?" She rubs her temples, a headache coming on.

"I didn't sleep well at all. Nightmares, and Madam Sikdar said I can't take a dreamless sleep potion with the potion she makes me take."

"Maybe some breakfast will help," Chaylee appears with a smile, Carnell shortly behind her. "I'll come with you, Carnell and the boys apparently wanted to talk for a bit before breakfast." She loops her arm through Hermione's, and they walk through the halls towards the Great Hall. "I'm really happy to see you're starting to settle in, Hermione. Tom worried me when he said you had a traumatic history. How are you enjoying Hogwarts so far?"

"It's wonderful, really. I quite like the library." Chaylee laughs.

"Yes, Abraxas mentioned you seemed to read a lot. My brother Theon has some really excellent Astrology books, if that interests you at all. Of course, they've been passed down the Nott line for Merlin knows how long, so I assume they're quite outdated."

"I might check them out. I'm finishing the books for my classes right now, but I'm opening the door to everything else after." Hermione smiles, before looking up. "Oh, the owls are in. I didn't realize we were late."

"Oh, Merlin! I'm expecting mail today!" Chaylee pulls her along as she hurries down the hall and through the door, sliding into a seat as the owls swoop by the Slytherin table. "Oh, there's some persimmons today. Love those." She comments offhandedly, reaching up to catch a parcel. It's contents consist of several letters and newspapers.

"What's up with all the letters?" Hermione asks as she fills her plate. The boys were just entering the Great Hall, led by Tom, in all his Head Boy glory. Watching them come in, she was finally able to appreciate how freakishly tall Perseus was, as she could see both his entire head and neck above all the other boys. And he was at the back of the group. They all had a certain swagger and she cracks a grin.

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