Chapter 23: A Heated Swim

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(*Warning: Language, kind of sexual content)

It was hot out. Not like deadly hot, no, she would likely be hunkered down in the library if it was, with multiple books and multiple cooling charms. No, it was hot enough to make her uncomfortably warm, and like several other students, she was roaming the grounds despite it being after hours. The Slytherins and Hufflepuffs were taken out of their dorms until they could be fixed by the professors. Flannigan was in the hospital wing.

As she strode across the grass, book in hand, several others in her satchel, she couldn't help but notice how cool and soothing the dark waters of the Black Lake appeared. Swimming was prohibited, on account of the Giant Squid, Grindylows, aggressive mermaid tribes, but Hermione found she just couldn't resist the temptation and descended the hill towards the lake.

She perches herself on an overhanging rock and kicks off her shoes, stuffing her stockings into the toes and dipping her feet in the water. The moon was still young, the crescent waning behind the clouds yet giving off ample light, it's reflection wavering in the ripples. She could hear the water hitting softly against the pier on the other side of the lake, and the rustling of leaves in the forest. It was peaceful. She knew better then to think it would last.

"Out for a swim, Mione?" A voice whispers, and she jumps enough to nearly drop her book in the water. He grabs it to save it. "Sweltering hot, Flannigan has really done it this time. I wish Father had kept me in Italy a day longer."

"Of course I'm not. Swimming isn't allowed." Abraxas shrugs.

"Too bad. I'm swimming." She watches him strip out of his grey suit jacket, and then turns away as several more layers come off. "Hm, shall I keep my shorts on? Will you be more persuaded to join me if they're off?" She chokes on a breath as her face flames red, and she hears him splash into the water. She glances back at him, wading out just up to his waist. She couldn't help but admit it looked incredibly refreshing. As she watched, he dove beneath the water, before bouncing back up and flicking water from his nearly white hair.

"Scoundrel." She mutters, scanning his pile of clothes to see what all he wore beneath the water.

"Care to join me?" He calls, and she shakes her head with a wry smile. "Really? It feel so nice in here, and you must be hot in your robes. Far too heavy for this weather." She was hot, but she wasn't about to go for a naked swim with him. He leans against a rock, the water coming up to his waist. "How should I convince you? A pretty girl, out for a swim with me- I know, I'm handsome. You could see what's all here," he gestures down, and her eyes follow, stopping at the rippling water.

"I can't swim with you, Brax. I've already told you, I have a public image to keep. Must be perfect."

"There's no one around to see! I know you want to." She looks around, noting the lack of students on the grounds again. They must have gone inside while she was talking to Abraxas. Hermione hesitates before lifting her robes over her head. His wolf whistle splits the air as she tosses them aside, and sets to wriggling out of her skirt.

"Abraxas!" She hisses scornfully, and his Cheshire grin makes her cross her arms over her body.

"Sorry Mione, but you do look like that." His eyes sweep over her, and she shoots a glare at the smirking boy as she wades in slowly. The cool water laps against her flushed skin and she lets out a sigh of contentment, quickly turning into a shriek as Abraxas dunks her head beneath the surface. She comes up spluttering. "Couldn't resist!" he laughs, swimming out of her grasp.

"My papers from the ministry came today," She begins, gliding away from the shore. He asks her what they said. "It's all confirmed. The inheritance, I mean. Only needs a few more meetings to sort out the vaults and estate."

"That's excellent." He says, brushing a hand against her thigh. He blushes nearly as deep as Hermione does.

"And my blood work is complete too, I have a bottle of Fae's draught now, as well as a Muddle-Mind potion." She glances down at the thought.

"It's alright to have the potion. It's perfectly normal, even I have a specialized potion. Don't be embarrassed." He reassures her. He sinks into the water, and his hands daringly cup around her hips and pull her towards him.

"Brax," She begins, gliding her finger along his shoulders. "What did you mean earlier, when you said I 'look like that'?" He pulls away and slips under the water, disappearing. She turns, looking to find where he had gone and gasps in shock as she feels hands glide up her legs; coming to rest on her hips as he pulls himself out of the water, drops of it clinging to his skin. She flushes bright red. The more she responded to him, the more she reciprocated, the more bold he became.

"Exquisite," He breathes, and presses a kiss to her bare stomach. When her fingers trail through his wet hair, he nips her gently. "Absolutely exquisite, the entirety of you." She scrapes her nails down his back, pulling him up to face her.

"Tom doesn't want you with me." She mutters, and he snorts a laugh.

"Do you think I care? Tom doesn't control me." His eyes surf her skin, their silver darkening. "He just doesn't like when we're distracted." Their breath mixes in the air, hands exploring each other, eyes scrutinizing far more skin than they had ever seen on another person. Exploring the delicate moment in the cautious way teenagers first do.

"That's really too bad for him," she murmurs, tracing the line of his jaw with her thumb. "Because I have no intention of stopping."

"Excellent." His arms wrap around her waist. "May I kiss you?" At her nod, he closes the gap between them. She tangles her fingers in his hair to angle his head down more, letting her lips part as the heat between them rose far more than she'd ever expect. She was intrigued by this blond wizard, something about him that she could never place. She lets her eyes flutter shut and returns his affections, bodies rising in temperature, the air around them growing cooling as the night cuts through the affects of the botched inferno.

"Abraxas," she whispers, thinking of Tom. "You know if he finds out it'll infuriate him. You know if the press finds out, they'll never leave us alone."

"Has he done anything to you?" He scans her quickly, as if looking for any signs of magical abuse.

"No no. He's my friend. He would never do anything like that."

"I don't think I can stop, Hermione. I can't get enough of your time, your mind. I can't resist being near you. I don't give a fuck about the press, just let me have you."

All of you, far too attached to things you want.

"Would your family approve?" He looks betrayed at her question.

"Don't, please. Don't ask about them. I want to see you. There must be a way for us to meet in secret. Hermione, please." He tucks a wet curl behind her ear.

"I might know a spell. It designates a word as a key, to reveal the speaker's location. I'd know, or you'd know, no matter what."

"What word? Something that wouldn't be too common."

"Lune. My middle name." He smiles.

"How appropriate. Mes lune. All mine." She places the spell on the word. Her eyes flick to the light of the castle, and his eyes follow. "Go back to the castle. It's getting cooler, and the halls are much better now. I'll see you tomorrow," She removes herself from his embrace, and begins to wade to shore, but he grabs her hand. "Hermione." She turns back to look at him. "I'd renounce my name if they didn't approve."

Far too attached to things you want.

While Abraxas may call her a book dragon, she could call him the very same. Although his hoard wasn't books. It was her.

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