Chapter 27: Mary and Dorea

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(*Warning: there are no necessary warnings for this chapter)

"Shouldn't have dressed as Gryffindors in their own common room; of course they'd know we didn't belong their. Honestly, that was a stupid decision on your part." Mary mutters, growing her hair back out to the flouncy mess of blonde curls. She pulls out a pocket mirror to soften her face.

"You're the one who couldn't do the charm to go invisible. And maybe if you could communicate better we wouldn't constantly be getting caught. Here," Dorea hands Mary a small vial of lip tint.

"Oh yes, because my communication skills are the reason why you're completely deaf. I haven't a clue how you couldn't hear whats-his-face-prefect clomping down the stairs."

"Your communication skills are problematic. And I'm half deaf this morning from burning howlers again." Dorea shoots Mary a pointed look.

"Did you take that potion Perseus brewed for you?" Dorea looks away from her sister, and MAry reaches out to touch her hand.

"Yes. I've already thrown up all the contamination. You're gonna have to face mum and dad soon though and talk to them about this. I know you're my sister, Pollux knows. Cassie isn't in the loop yet, I don't think, because mum and dad aren't telling her. I hope they stop sending you howlers once you finally talk to them about it."

"I've tried to talk to mum but she refuses to listen to me. I think they're intercepting my letters to Cassie, since they found out I told Pollux. I've tried to tell her but she never writes me."

"Well I don't particularly blame her, your writing is atrocious."

"That's uncalled for, Dory."

"You're uncalled for." Mary sticks her tongue out at Dorea, and Hermione pops into view.

"Hello." She floats down closer to them, and Dorea squints at her silvery form.

"Who the hell are you?" Mary gasps.

"That's Hermione Granger! Abraxas's girlfriend! Oh my Merlin, she's dead!"

"No, no, I'm not dead."

"You're floating. And translucent." The girls look at each other doubtfully, Mary slipping her wand out of her pocket. "Seems pretty dead to me."

"I swear, I'm not dead," Hermione insists, but Mary flicks her wand behind her and a silvery possum darts off down the hall. "Hey, what was that for?"

"Summoning Malfoy. If you are dead, I have no doubt he and his band of book collectors know some dark spell or ritual to bring you back."

"That's not very nice," Hermione flips upside down and bops Mary's curls."You're going to get me in trouble." It took no time at all for Abraxas to show up with a grin, bouncing on his heels down the hall.

"Mary, Dory, my two favourite Blacks here- Ah, Hermione, I see you've found some troublemakers. What exactly are you three up to?"

"Mary and I got caught trying to get Lucretia's necklace back from Ignatius, we found your girlfriend on our way back from Slughorn's." Dorea says flatly

"And so what do I owe the pleasure of a Patronus in my porridge this morning?" Mary blushes.

"Well, obviously, as you can see, she's dead. Thought you ought to know." Abraxas laughs, and pulls a foil wrapped square of chocolate out of his pocket.

"She's not dead. Here kiddo, its infused with one of Theon's drinks."

"Kiddo?" Mary asks, taking the square and quirking a brow. "Just because you're of age, old man, doesn't mean you can call me kiddo."

"Old man? Ouch."

"Come on, Mary. I'll walk you up to charms early." Dorea says, glancing down at the chocolate. And then without any further word, the two girls disappear into a passage, and Abraxas turns to face her with his arms crossed.

"I have no doubt they're off to find Lucretia. She gives them pretty things when they come to visit."

"How many Black's are in this school?" Hermione mutters, floating down into his arms, turning corporeal so he can hold her.

"Well there's Dorea and Mary, their sister Casseopia left a few years ago, and Pollux a few years before her. Then there's Alphard and Walburga and Cygnus, thats another line. Orion and Lucretia, a third line. Araminta is the only child in her line. Callidora, Cedrella and Charis are the fifth line, that whole side is a mess though. So eleven of them as of now."

"Holy crap." He laughs and runs a hand up her spine.

"You're feeling alright then? You're probably going to turn back soon, right?"

"I'm ok, starting to feel tired though."

"Why don't you go sleep off the rest of this then? Otherwise you'll be exhausted from all this fooling around." She rests her head on his shoulder.

"I know you're right, my love, but I don't think I'm tired enough to sleep." He takes out his wand and murmurs a sleeping spell.

"I'll take you down to your rooms, darling, so you won't be disturbed there. Just go invisible for me, love." He kisses her forehead before she turns invisible, and she smiles sleepily as her eyes begin to close. She gently caresses his face, and he takes her invisible hand and kisses her fingertips. She felt nothing but tenderness for the blonde wizard holding her.

She hears him murmur something to her, but she was too far gone to comprehend anything he says.


I dug deep into the Black family tree for this one. A lot of the ages are blurred, if you couldn't tell, but almost every character is a canonical character within a few years off of how old they should be.

Marius Black was burned off the family tree for being a squib, but in this case I've switched it up. Mary Black, Dorea's sister, was Marius Black, although Marius is her dead name. Mary was always a trans girl in this story, although in light of recent comments made by Rowling, I'm going to try and make her storyline more pronounced.

Trans women are real women.

Trans men are real men.

As far as other representation, I should clarify just incase it wasn't clear enough. Tom Riddle (supposedly incapable of love due to being conceived with a love potion) is capable of love, he's gay. Elizabeth Rookwood is a lesbian. Eli Fawley, blackmarket guy, is Bisexual (as am I). Since we never learn much about the older families, their specific ethnicities aren't well known, and therefore I've tried to make as many of them as diverse as possible. The Dolohov's are of French Polynesian descent. The Nott twins are of African descent. The school nurse, Madam Sikdar, is hijabi.

If I use any language that you find incorrect or offensive, please leave a comment for me! Let's stop whitewashing/straight washing our stories. Hogwarts is inclusive to everyone.


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