Chapter 14: Abraxas's Flaw

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(*Warning: underage drinking)

Despite the fact that there had been a discount of nearly seventy percent, Hermione's coin purse had never been so empty. There was only a handful of coins, only one of which was a galleon. She didn't dare mention that fact to Abraxas, who had been insistent on taking her to dinner that night. She didn't need him to spend more money on her then he already had.

However, to her dismay, the quick reservation he had made wouldn't be available until six that evening; this was how she had found herself hand in hand with him, strolling the streets of wizarding London window shopping. She entertained him as much as possible by feigning interest in several items, and thankfully had been able to avoid purchasing anything.

He had wanted to avoid the north end, where the Daily Prophet's building was disguised as a factory. Unfortunately for her, the south end, where they were, was the location of several rather higher end shops that he was familiar with.

"That's pretty," she says, pointing to a silver dress in a window. A floor length ordeal, with three quarter sleeves and a wrapping around the waist. Abraxas stops to look at it.

"It is, although I think you might look better in green. Oh, black looks lovely too." He glances up towards the sign. "Let's go in, my mother has some nice pieces from here." She tugs on his hand.

"Oh, no, that's not necessary. Let's just keep walking."

"Not necessary? Of course it is! Every upperclass woman has at least one evening dress, and I have no doubt that you don't have any."

"But I'm not an upper class woman-"

"You're the soon-to-be sole heiress of a remarkably old line. That's upperclass." She sighs, but let's him take her into the shop. Gilligan's Ladies Wear and Jewelry. Lovely. Abraxas, it seems, was familiar with the owner, as he greets him warmly.

"Gilligan, lovely to see you! My mother simply loved the necklace you helped me pick out for her; this is my friend, Hermione Granger. Your dress in the window caught her eye, would you happen to have some other samples? She's to be a new heiress, you know, and I said to her 'Hermione, you simply must have an evening gown'." She watched bemused as he made painfully cheery conversation. Gilligan throws up his hands

"A new heiress! You're absolutely right Mr. Malfoy, we'll need to set her up with several- what are the circumstances of this? Do I need Anita to make a wedding dress?"

"Oh, Mr. Gilligan, you know I'll be a bachelor as long as I can!" Abraxas laughs. "Just an evening dress, maybe a few formal day dresses. About the size of an order my mother would make." This entire conversation was too odd for her. She had never once heard Abraxas speak to anyone with such enthusiasm.

"Abraxas," she tugs on his hand. "I don't have any money left." His smile doesn't even falter.

"It will hardly cost me a thing, Mione. Just let me get a few things for you today." She sighs, following the two men into a back room past several displays of jewelry.

"Anita!" Gilligan calls, and a short, younger looking woman appears with a measuring tape over her shoulders and large, circular glasses adorning her face which makes her eyes seem massive. "Mr. Malfoy's friend here is in need of a few formal dresses. The silver one in the window, specifically, and take Miss Granger to the back to browse a few patterns." Abraxas finds a seat on a couch, while Gilligan goes off in pursuit of elvish wine.

Hermione stared around the back room, never before having seen so many nice dresses in one room. She had never even put on something so nice. Fast fashion, that was how the muggle world ran, and the only thing she'd ever had tailored to her was her school robes.

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