twitch | shower issues [ f ]

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"Emmanuelle! can you come here for awhile!" you yelled from the shower.

soon Twitch entered the room and gave you a questioning look, asking for an explanation , "yes what's wrong?" she asked with one of her eyebrows lifted up, "are you not able to shower on your own?"

you shook your head and said "there was this huge spider inside, it was like this big!" and then lifted your hands up in front of yourself to show the exact size of the spider you saw just now. and you were not kidding when you said it was at least 3/4 the size of your palm, no way you were gonna shower with that thing inside, 'potentially' jumping into you.

Emmanuelle just laughed as she said, "and what do you want me to do about it? catch it for you or shower with you?" and then continuing saying, "and i think you're exaggerating when you're saying it was 3/4 the size of your hands."

you crossed your arms and replied, "if you don't believe me, go in and take a look, it's on the wall beside the shower head. at least that's where i last saw it." and gestured to the inside of the bathroom.

Twitch then went into the shower room to look for the spider and came out about a minute later with a look of disbelieve and said, "yeah (Y/n) it was so huge i can't even see it." and then walked out of the room back to her work space, leaving you in you towel standing outside the shower room.

"EMMA YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME HERE WITH THIS THING!" you yelled after she left and then proceeded to walk downstairs and saw her already working on her drone at her work bench, completely ignoring you with a smile on her face.

"go take a shower, you are starting to smell." she then waved her hands around her nose to emphasize her previous sentence, "and i don't like people that smell, especially when that person is my own girlfriend."

you sighed as you went back up to the shower room and cautiously looked around for the huge spider you saw just now, which now is nowhere to be seen. i guess emma was right you thought to yourself.

as you were showering, you heard Emma yell from downstairs, "(Y/N)! GET OVER HERE! THE THE SPIDER IS HERE. PLEASE SEND HELP!"

you just laughed to yourself and continue showering until the door to the shower room opened and Twitch came in and closed the door immediately and leaned into it as if the spider could push the door open.

"we're moving house after your done showering." Emma said and you laughed.

"what's so funny?" she questioned.

"nothing, do you believe me now when i said the spider was about 3/4 the size of my hands?"

"yes, i do."


hello, this was requested by @meowrandomtfc  hope you liked it

and idk it won't tag yous sorry

next update:

- Jager x Bandit

most likely fluff and smut      ;))))))

feelin like smut would be good, im already a sinner might as well go all the way

request are open as usual

anyways, till the next update !

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