Chapter Twelve

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It was in the middle of her lunch, Niamh having placed herself between Lochlan and a surprised Myrna, when Kane found her again.

"Can you see me now, Niamh?" he asked.

She looked to Lochlan, knowing they all had plans.

"We'll wait for you. Our plans aren't going anywhere." He smiled.

Niamh's stomach was in knots about her moment with Killian and what she wanted to say to Kane, so she nodded and said, "I'll come now."

"Nonsense, O'Callaghan. Finish eating." Kane said with a nod.

"It's all right. I'm full."

"All right, then. Follow me."

She got up and Lochlan touched her arm. "If you can't find us, just text and I'll let you know where we are."

She nodded and followed Kane to his study.

"How are you settling in?" he asked when they were seated.

"Fine, I think, but..." She took  a deep breath. "I wanted to talk to you about that..."


"It's just... I... I think it's time I went home."

Kane didn't say anything so Niamh babbled on.

"It's not that I'm not grateful for you taking me in, but I really ought to get back to... Get back to my life..." she finished lamely, not wanting to admit to Kane that she felt she had to get back to Brendan...or, at least, away from Killian.

Kane, though, seemed to guess she was not being entirely honest. "Niamh, what is this really about? Gryffynhall, with the Sidhe, is where you belong. We are your people, more than they are. John and Amy miss you, but they know it's best that you're here and learn about your heritage, and to keep yourself safe."

Niamh opened and closed her mouth a few times. She knew saying she wanted to see Brendan would sound lame to him. All adults – no matter how young they looked – thought teenage romances were frivolous and not worth anyone's time. Although, judging by her experiences so far, she wasn't inclined to disagree...

"Niamh," Kane leant forward, "you can tell me anything. We have a 'no judging' policy here. Well, there are some who might judge you, but it won't be me."

She took a deep breath. "I need to get back to my boyfriend because... Well, I just do."

"Ah..." Kane said, leaning back. He said it in the same way an adult might say 'oh' when you ask them if Father Christmas is real.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Niamh asked.

"There were - ah - complications when he was healed."

"Again, what's that supposed to mean?"

"To put it simply, Niamh, he doesn't remember you. Well, not the same. He remembers you fondly, but not that you dated. As far as he's concerned, you stayed best friends...and nothing more."

Convenient, Niamh thought. She felt a little numb, but she realised it was because she was scared she would feel relieved if she let herself feel anything. "Why...? Uh, how did that happen? Was it an accident?"

Kane coughed. "Your... That is, John thought it might be best given the life you would be leading now. Keep him out of harm's way and all that."

"And, I had no say in the matter?" Niamh asked, feeling anger and annoyance at the lack of control she seemed to have over her life now.

"He had already been harmed once. John's request seemed...sensible."

"And what? You just hoped I'd forget about him? Not worry about him? Be so enamoured by my new life that I'd not remember my old one?"

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