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D: How unfortunate we are Ammuuu... we have a son but cursed to not have him with us.. I feel I might die of heartbreak...😭

A: Don't say like that Devasena it hurts me more... I feel so miserable when you talk this I feel I shouldn't have left you that night of Mahe's birth at least we would be living happily with our son somewhere on this earth. Pls don't cry ma be strong!

D: I cannot Ammu!! It is a mother's pain!!! You won't understand!!!
I want my son back !!!!

A: Devu no... It was our decision to let him go. I have handed him over to them. It won't be right if I ask him back now...

D: No!!! I don't care about right or wrong !!!! I want my son that's all!!! I want my Mahe!!! Bring him back for me plssss Ammuu !!!! You have fulfilled my wishes even without me having to ask you now I am begging you.... pls bring my son back !!! I want him !!!

Devasena becomes hysterical weeping and screaming. Avantika gets her some water while Ammu tries to calm her. He had seen the strong-headed Devasena who never bowed before anyone not even to him now begging for her son it pained him to see her like this but he was helpless he couldn't go back on his word.

Av: Athamma, pls calm down here drink some water.

A: Drink this Devuu, pls...

D: No I don't want water or food I want my son ! Or let me die !!

Ka: Baahu, shall I get Mahe here ?

A: No mama...

D: (In a pleading tone)Kattappa, kattappa pls go... pls bring Mahe here..

Ammu eyes him not to go.

Ka: Baahu pls ra don't be stubborn she is already weak physically if she continues crying like this won't do any good for her....I'll go get Mahe....

A: Mama !

He utters in an authoritative tone and Kattappa steps back with his head bowed. Turning back to face his wife,

A: Devasena look ! Look at me !

He cups her cheeks firmly and holds her gaze.

A: Listen ! Mahe has gone with his parents. He won't return to us anymore. It is just going to be the both of us hereafter ok ?? Pls get a hang of yourself Devuu I can't see you like this...

Devasena pauses for a moment.

D: Mahe... he has gone... he won't come back to me... my Mahe...

Those were the last words from her mouth and before anyone knew, she collapses in Ammu's arms.

A: Devasena!!!!!!!! 😰😭


Physician's hut:

Devasena regains consciousness. Ammu who is beside her holding her hand felt his life return when her eyes snapped open. Stroking her head,

A: Are you alright Devasena ? Say something ma....

D: Mahe...ndra... mahen...mahe....

A: Huh.. uh...mahe... he...

M: Amma !!! Amma !!!!

Mahendra comes dashing in and hastens to his mother. Tears streaming down his cheeks he grasps her other hand. Seeing their son back with them Ammu and Devu are elated. Devu lifts her head trying to get up but isn't able to as she is very weak and Mahe helps her to sit upright. She leans on his shoulder and caresses his cheek.

Ammu is Back ! [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now