My name is Tayuya🎵.....

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Tayuya's p.o.v
Today our lord gave us a mission and that mission was to capture Sasuke Uchiha. Then bring him to lord Orochimaro so he could be his next vessel.To be honest I don't care if our lord wants him as a vessel but what does bother me is this mission and I have a feeling that we all may die from it.Ha like that's true,we're the Sound Five!And a couple of low class ninja kids trying to stop us,ha!What a joke!I'm sure the others probably don't feel the same way as me but I don't care what they think,
we just need to get that Uchiha kid and it'll be easy.Now time to get the others and bring them here.
After jumping tree to tree.....
I now see Ukon,Sakon,time to get them.
When I finally reached them they turned to me."Hey guys,we got a mission from lor-".
"We know already and shut your annoying mouth".Said Sakon and geez how rude to cut me off like that."Well since you know already then help me find the other three".I say and Sakon just rolls his eyes at me.He's so rude and that will give him back luck one day I'm sure of it.Now me,Sakon, and Ukon were on our way to find Kidomaro,Jirobo, and Kimomaro.
Man I hope we find them soon cause I'm getting tired of this. Hopefully they aren't died when I get there or something because their pretty klutzy in my opinion at least..............

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