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Tayuya's p.o.v

We had to keep going, I'm worried about Jirobo and I know he'll make it back, I can feel it.We just have to keep going and make it back to base in time before our lord gets mad. When we thought we got away they were still on us."Guys, I'm going to try and stop them, if I don't make it back tell Lord Orochimaru that I lived to serve him!". Kidomaro looked at me worried and mad."No!If you're going to fight then I'll fight too!".He said and I looked at him with a mad face."JUST KEEP GOING!!!". He looked sad when I yelled at him, but I didn't care and after that, they kept going. I turned around to face the ninjas that were following us."Hey, one of you stay and fight me while the others go, got it!".The one from the Nara clan stayed to fight me and the rest kept going."You must care a lot about your comrades to stay behind and fight me".He said."Whatever just fight me!". I just hope I can stall him for long and hopefully don't die.Wait no, I won't die because I'm strong, stronger than him! Time to take him down and join up with others and get that kid to Lord Orochimaru before the afternoon tomorrow."Hey kid, you should give up now, cause I'm not going easy on you".I say with a smirk on my face and just looked at me seriously.
"I'm not going to hold back either, so get ready for a fight".He said and I just started laughing."Ha...Ha...HAHAHA...YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN WIN AGAINST ME YOU MUST BE JOKING!!!".He just looked at me with a mad face."This isn't something to laugh about, so I don't see what's so funny".He said and I just looked at him with an annoyed face."tsk... you're really annoying ya know". Man, I just want to start and finish this as soon as possible.
Cause I have a bad feeling about this kid and this fight were about to have.............

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